Cape Cod woods

woods Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: woods
Found: woods - 18
Results: 1 .. 18 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
116 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Seaplane Base Airport 41.5167757 -70.6655855 map
230 Woods Cove Bay 41.8106643 -69.9550174 map
411 Woods Hole Aquarium Building 41.5242755 -70.6708634 map
642 Woods Hole Passage Channel 41.5167755 -70.6828079 map
2467 Woods Hole Passage Channel 41.5167755 -70.6828079 map
2794 The Woods (historical) Civil 41.2687348 -70.1327944 map
758 Woods Hole Harbor 41.5167755 -70.6828079 map
2466 Woods Hole Harbor 41.5167755 -70.6828079 map
789 Eddie Woods Rock Island 41.6195559 -70.3039105 map
839 Woods Beach Rock Island 41.8731623 -70.0308536 map
1232 Woods Hole Passage Light Locale 41.5184421 -70.6836413 map
1276 Woods Hole Golf Club Locale 41.5351087 -70.6628079 map
1528 Woods Hole Populated Place 41.5264977 -70.6730857 map
23 Woods Hole Village 41.526561 -70.667528 02543 map
1907 Black Woods Woods 41.4584424 -70.7800309 map
2301 Ramshead Woods Woods 41.470942 -70.7855868 map
2445 West Chop Woods Woods 41.4737223 -70.6005842 map
2793 The Woods Woods 41.2684572 -70.1486281 map
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Found 18 waypoints on Cape Cod matching woods.

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Displayed 18 woods waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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