Cape Cod middle

middle Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: middle
Found: middle - 20
Results: 1 .. 20 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
2517 Cyrus Peirce Middle School School 41.2731789 -70.0991827 map
2618 Middle Pasture (historical) Populated Place 41.2751226 -70.0161257 map
2201 Middle Point Cove Bay 41.3551151 -70.6403049 map
2198 Middle Ground Bar 41.3834499 -70.5083597 map
2193 Middle Flats Flat 41.4056713 -70.5050267 map
2202 Middle Pond Lake 41.4284415 -70.8833671 map
2199 Middle Ledge Bar 41.4367741 -70.9194795 map
2200 Middle Ledge Bar 41.4387185 -70.9189239 map
2195 Middle Ground Bar 41.4392739 -70.9275354 map
2196 Middle Ground Bar 41.4401072 -70.9269798 map
2197 Middle Ground Bar 41.4792771 -70.6453069 map
2194 Middle Gate Gut 41.5056644 -70.7019746 map
852 Middle Ledge Island 41.5189977 -70.6800302 map
174 Middle Ledge (historical) Bar 41.6095556 -70.3497453 map
1609 Colonel James P Lyle Middle School School 41.6551075 -70.5747518 map
1607 Edward C Stone Middle School School 41.6567741 -70.5753073 map
1147 Middle Pond Lake 41.6734423 -70.4128029 map
1600 Mattacheese Middle School School 41.6737218 -70.242798 map
1604 N H Wixon Middle School School 41.7153879 -70.1564079 map
1592 Nauset Regional Middle School School 41.7834425 -69.990295 map
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Found 20 waypoints on Cape Cod matching middle.

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Displayed 20 middle waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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