Cape Cod lake

lake Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: lake
Found: lake - 466
Results: Prev. 50 | 51 .. 100 | Next 50 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
917 Dunns Pond Lake 41.6584437 -70.3161334 map
918 Lake Elizabeth Lake 41.6389996 -70.3328004 map
919 Fawcetts Pond Lake 41.6501107 -70.3027995 map
920 Flax Pond Lake 41.6978876 -70.2761324 map
921 Flintrock Pond Lake 41.6784435 -70.2861326 map
922 Fresh Pond Lake 41.6648326 -70.2966883 map
923 Garretts Pond Lake 41.6934425 -70.3522457 map
924 Hallets Millpond Lake 41.7042765 -70.2605765 map
925 Hathaway Ponds Lake 41.6834431 -70.3119667 map
926 Hinckley Pond Lake 41.7042759 -70.3228004 map
927 Israel Pond Lake 41.6817769 -70.2786324 map
928 Lamson Pond Lake 41.6806659 -70.2677987 map
929 Little Israel Pond Lake 41.6801102 -70.2827991 map
930 Little Sandy Pond Lake 41.6634443 -70.2494647 map
931 Long Pond Lake 41.6556658 -70.3369673 map
932 Long Pond Lake 41.6945545 -70.2583541 map
933 Mary Dunn Pond Lake 41.6751104 -70.2777989 largemouth bass, easy access map
934 No Bottom Pond Lake 41.6934424 -70.3578014 map
935 North Pond Lake 41.6359437 -70.3644681 map
936 Phinneys Bay Lake 41.620944 -70.368357 map
937 Sandy Hill Pond Lake 41.6901091 -70.3641904 map
938 Schoolhouse Pond Lake 41.6362222 -70.3036329 map
939 Shallow Pond Lake 41.6764987 -70.324467 map
940 Simmons Pond Lake 41.6403887 -70.3064107 map
941 Spruce Pond Lake 41.6909424 -70.3597459 map
942 Wequaquet Lake Lake 41.6709431 -70.3383563 map
943 Aunt Pattys Pond Lake 41.7351096 -70.1466857 map
944 Bakers Pond Lake 41.7195545 -70.1383521 map
945 Bassetts Lot Pond Lake 41.6681665 -70.2341867 map
946 Big Sandy Pond Lake 41.6603889 -70.2369645 map
947 Cedar Pond Lake 41.73481369045697 -70.14637470245361 map
948 Clam Pools Lake 41.7278872 -70.2333538 map
949 Clay Pond Lake 41.7192766 -70.1647415 map
950 Coles Pond Lake, Fishing Spot 41.7567758 -70.1369636 largemouth bass, hard to access map
951 Crowell Pond Lake 41.6467784 -70.2011304 map
952 Dinahs Pond Lake 41.6945549 -70.1744637 map
953 Duck Pond Lake 41.693444 -70.1427964 map
954 Eagle Pond Lake 41.6984439 -70.1355741 map
955 Elishas Pond Lake 41.6945547 -70.2286313 map
956 Flax Pond Lake 41.6820552 -70.1850193 map
957 Flax Pond Lake 41.7167766 -70.186964 map
958 Follins Pond Lake 41.704277 -70.1786305 map
959 Fresh Pond Lake 41.6778889 -70.1514075 map
960 Fund Pond Lake 41.7334429 -70.1544636 map
961 Grassy Pond Lake 41.7167767 -70.1619636 map
962 Greenough Pond Lake 41.6937213 -70.2355758 map
963 Halfway Pond Lake 41.6764997 -70.2258533 map
964 Horse Pond Lake 41.6645554 -70.2389089 map
965 Jabinettes Pond Lake 41.6598333 -70.2430757 map
966 James Pond Lake 41.665389 -70.1958527 map
Learn all about Cape Cod.

Found 466 waypoints on Cape Cod matching lake.

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Displayed 466 lake waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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