Cape Cod cape

cape Cape Cod, MA

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Cape Cod: GPS Waypoint List: cape
Found: cape - 249
Results: Prev. 50 | 101 .. 150 | Next 50 | Map: View on a map
ID Name Type Latitude Longitude Notes Map
534 Plowed Neck Cape 41.7467739 -70.4383593 map
535 Scorton Neck Cape 41.7334395 -70.5564182 map
536 Town Neck Cape 41.7653844 -70.4786383 map
537 Great Island Cape 41.9187166 -70.0619663 map
538 The Gut Cape 41.9278831 -70.0722444 map
539 Inward Point Cape 41.6084469 -69.9889041 map
540 Monomoy Point Cape 41.5437263 -70.0077928 map
541 Old Wharf Point Cape 41.9042727 -70.0039094 map
542 Pleasant Point Cape 41.9112169 -69.9994651 map
543 Shirttail Point Cape 41.9295497 -70.0300216 map
544 Barley Neck Cape 41.7667765 -69.9550163 map
545 Lucy Point Cape 41.7778873 -69.9702945 map
546 Namequoit Point Cape 41.7570545 -69.9600162 map
547 Old Field Point Cape 41.7612211 -69.9591828 map
548 Pochet Neck Cape 41.7792763 -69.9439052 map
549 Rocky Point Cape 41.7978868 -69.9722396 map
550 Snow Point Cape 41.814553 -69.9591842 map
551 Avalon Point Cape 41.7126111 -69.9727936 map
552 The Neck Cape 41.6709454 -69.9744599 map
553 Amos Point Cape 41.6534459 -69.9627929 map
554 Cemetery Point Cape 41.7553843 -70.500861 map
555 Eastward Point Cape 41.7167777 -69.9661269 map
556 Weeset Point Cape 41.809831 -69.9536284 map
557 Wianno Head Cape 41.6112217 -70.3925245 map
558 Point of Rocks Cape 41.7042769 -70.1911307 map
559 Harding Beach Point Cape 41.6578902 -69.9797377 map
560 Meadow Neck Cape 41.5773319 -70.520306 map
561 Lawrences Neck Cape 41.5562203 -70.5883626 map
562 Lawrence Island Cape 41.6620511 -70.6230864 map
563 Briants Neck Cape 41.6528867 -70.4578042 map
668 Cape Cod Covenant Church Church 41.729832 -70.1408522 map
669 Cape Cod Bible Alliance Church Church 41.7753871 -70.0147397 map
771 Cape Cod Hospital Hospital 41.6528888 -70.2716875 map
1239 Cape Cod Canal Breakwater Light Locale 41.7784397 -70.4897499 map
1240 Cape Cod Canal Range Light Locale 41.7723284 -70.5091948 map
1290 All Cape Shopping Center Picture Pond Plaza Locale 41.6651105 -70.2894659 map
1291 Cape Cod Mall Locale 41.6676104 -70.2961328 map
1308 Sealand of Cape Cod Locale 41.7537204 -70.1200188 map
1384 Cape Cod National Seashore Park 41.7159445 -69.9272373 map
1571 Cape Cod Community College School 41.6917761 -70.3361341 map
1597 Cape Cod Regional Technical High School School 41.7112217 -70.075851 map
1870 Cape Cod Rail Trail Trail 41.7501096 -70.0716845 map
1893 Allen Point Cape 41.3487252 -70.6961387 map
1911 Bluefish Point Cape 41.3509516 -70.5014147 map
1912 Bold Water Point Cape 41.366783 -70.5603043 map
1913 Bran Point Cape 41.4059483 -70.5394715 map
1915 Brown Point Cape 41.4501118 -70.623084 map
1919 Butler Neck Cape 41.354284 -70.5411374 map
1920 Butler Neck Point Cape 41.3551171 -70.5461374 map
1926 Cape Higgon Cape 41.3898342 -70.7300286 map
Learn all about Cape Cod.

Found 249 waypoints on Cape Cod matching cape.

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Displayed 249 cape waypoints in 0.03 seconds.
Most latitude & longitude positions are estimated. Some are exact decimal coordinates.
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