CapeLinks Cape Cod: Wellfleet

History: Settled 1644 (North Precinct of Eastham, Poole), named for Wallfleet Oysters in Blackwater Bay, England. Incorporated June 16, 1763, part of Eastham established as the district of Wellfleet. August 23, 1775, the district made a town by general act. February 22, 1837, bounds between Wellfleet and Truro established. April 26, 1847, part of Eastham annexed. May 6, 1887, bounds between the tidewaters of Wellfleet and Eastham established.

Villages or Sections:
Billingsgate, Briar Lane, Cahoon Hollow, Dogtown, Fresh Brook Village, Great Beach Hill, Great Island, Griffin Island, Lieutenant's Island, Money Hill, Pamet Point, Puckertown, South Wellfleet, Spring Valley, Indian Neck, Slough Pond, Bound Brook Island, Gull Pond, Painsville, Pleasant Point, Wellfleet by the Sea, Long Pond, Great Pond.

Points of Interest:
Old Whaling and Fishing Port, Wellfleet Harbor.
In April of 1717, one of the most famous wrecks in Cape Cod history occurred on the back side at South Wellfleet, that of the pirate ship, Whydah under the notorious pirate Samuel Bellamy.
Marconi, site of first trans-atlantic wireless communications.

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articles & blogs: wellfleet

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  • Wellfleet Oysters
    by Karen Ellery Jones Renowned for its quaint New England seaside charm, the icy Atlantic that rarely breaks 60 degrees, the spectacular sunsets at First Encounter Beach in Eastham and the rolling…
  • What to do memorial day weekend? The 3rd annual WES Fest!
    The 3rd Annual WES Fest! Saturday May 26, yes, Memorial Day weekend, from 10am-3pm.  This is a fun filled day for the family! Come join us for our carnival with real mechanical rides such as the pirate…
  • Wellfleet Chezsven Blog
    Wellfleet innkeeper/writer describes what it is like to live on the Outer Cape and run a green B&B.
  • The Wicked Oyster, Restaurant Review
    by Lucy Vivante, Lucas and Michael Miller For two years now, Wellfleet has been home to a restaurant which offers the best of two worlds: a relaxed, clubby atmosphere and an amibitious first-rate…
  • Wellfleet’s Kettle Ponds
    Notes on the National Seashore’s Kettle Ponds in Wellfleet
  • Cape Cod Scenic Tours
    Welcome to Cape Cod Scenic Tours! Cape Cod Scenic Tours, based in the mid Cape, specializing in sightseeing tours throughout Cape Cod. Our sightseeing tours are fun filled and leave each visitor…
  • Bananas Came First To Cape
    Once upon a time every man and boy in Wellfleet was a whaler. Boys as young as ten began going to sea on the old whaling vessels with their fathers. Both whales and oysters made Wellfleet prosper.
  • The Wreck of the Franklin
    On the first day of March, 1849, the full-rigged ship Franklin struck and foundered near Newcomb’s Hollow, on the ocean side of Wellfleet. The Franklin was en route from Deal, England,…
  • A Young Pirate Sailed on the Whydah
    Members of Barry Clifford’s team have identified the partial remains of the youngest known pirate to sail U.S. waters, a 9-year-old boy who eagerly joined
  • The First Wireless
    How many Americans know that the world radio system was given rise on the Cape? Marconi, in 1903, on the oceanside of Wellfleet got through the first wireless message. It was a greeting from President…
  • The Crew of 102
    One hundred and two men, the crew of a pirate ship, were once buried on the beach at Welifleet. They were the crew of the Whydah, a ship of about 200 tons. It was armed with twenty-three guns…
  • Consider the Oyster!
    Oysters are a favorite Cape Cod shellfish. Our Wellfleet is home to the “Wellfleet oyster”, considered to be one of the world’s best oysters for generations. After Wellfleet’s…
  • Billingsgate Lightkeeper Paid $5 A Week
    On May 7, 1822, Congress appropriated $2,000 for a lighthouse to be constructed on Billingsgate Island, Wellfleet. The keeper of the light was Abijah Gill. He wrote bitterly a few years later that:…
  • Runaway Horse Leads to Rich Find
    A little over one hundred-fifty summers ago, a resident of Wellfleet, Captain Daniel Rich, had an unusual experience. One of his horses ran away, and in pursuing the animal in its pasture, Capt. Rich…
  • Pirate Gold For The Digging
    Somewhere on Cape Cod on a lonely stretch of beach there, are hoards of pirate treasure. The Cape was a hideout for pirates. The story is told of one man of odd and frightful look who visited the Cape…
  • Page 1 of 1 pages

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