CapeLinks Cape Cod: Falmouth

History: Name changed from Suckanesset, Incorporated September 14, 1694, old style. 1735, bounds between Falmouth and lands of proprietors of Mashpee confirmed. 1841, a tract of land formerly in Mashnee Plantation annexed. March 18, 1880, bounds between Falmouth and Sandwich established, June 18, 1885, bounds between Falmouth and Mashpee established.

Villages or Sections: Acapesket, Ashumet Pond, Chappaquoit, Davisville, East End, East Falmouth. Falmouth, Falmouth Heights, Fresh Pond, Hatchfield, Hatchville, Highfield, Holmes Holl, Megansett, Menauhant, North Falmouth, Quisset, Silver Beach, Sippewisset, Smalltown, Succonesset, Teaticket, Waquoit, West Falmouth, Woods Hole.

Points of Interest:
Village Green, Falmouth.
Congregational Church with Paul Revere bell on Village Green.
Quaker Meeting House and Burial Ground at West Falmouth.
Nobska Light.
Marine Biological Laboratory, Oceanographic Laboratory, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquarium, Woods Hole.
Nantucket - Martha's Vineyard Ferries, Steamers and Dock, Woods Hole.
Birthplace of Katherine Lee Bates, author of America, the Beautiful.
Historical Society Museum.
Rainbow Roof House, the oldest house in Falmouth.
Old Burying Ground, marked by tablet on Mill Road.
Stone Deck, built in 1808 marks scene of defense against British in 1789 and 1814, Foot of Shore Street.
Goodwill Park, public reservation with entrance on Palmer Avenue.
Candle House, built in 1829, on Main Street.
Bell Tower on Eel Pond.

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articles & blogs: falmouth

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  • White Hen Pantry and the Story of Scotch Johnson
    While the Hen is the undisputed king of 2:30 a.m. italian subs, there is an underlying genius behind the scenes that make it legendary. Since we at the go2536 are hard hitting journalists, we are always…
  • Exclusive Country Clubs in the Rough
    Hard economic times leave exclusive country club in a “forced carry” situation.
  • Town of Falmouth MA Overview & Map
    Falmouth is the second largest town in the county in land area and is a very attractive and modern place. Falmouth likely has one of the longest coastlines in Massachusetts. Consequently, there is a…
  • Cape Cod’s Old-time Ministers
    Palmer Street in Falmouth is named after one of the town’s most illustrious Puritan ministers, the Rev. Samuel Palmer. He served there for forty-three years, (1731-1774), succeeding a minister…
  • Cape Cod Borgia
    Near the town of Falmouth there is the little village of Cataumet. Thirty-one people were murdered in that quiet little village unbeknown to anyone. They were thought to have died natural deaths.
  • Interesting Old Tavern
    In North Falmouth there is a structure known as “the Old Tavern.” It was built over two hundred years ago (1785) and has an interesting historical background.
  • Where is Suckanesset?
    Why, where the Town of Falmouth is! For Suckanesset was the Indian name for the territory when Bartholomew…
  • A Ship and A Plowshare
    When Falmouth adopted its town seal in 1902, the people were pleased to have a symbol so representative of their community. The seal shows Nobska Light, a ship in full sail, and a plowshare.
  • The British Set Fire To Falmouth
    In the War for American lndependence, Falmouth on Cape Cod was burned by a Captain Mowat under the orders of the British admiral at Boston.
  • Swimming From the Vineyard to Falmouth
    Several men have attempted to swim the five-mile distance of choppy Vineyard Sound between the Vineyard and Falmouth. In the summer of 1950 on June 26th, George Fraser of Dennisport made a valiant try…
  • Curious Falmouth Facts
    The old town records (1894) of Falmouth yield the following curious facts…
  • Falmouth’s Fame for Strawberries and Turnips
    According to Chester A. Crocker, of Marston’s Mills, who was quoted many years ago by Haydn Pearson, writing in a Boston newspaper, Falmouth’s fame not only rested partly on strawberries—a…
  • A Peaceful Place
    Falmouth has always been a peaceful place. Except on two occasions…
  • Falmouth’s Spacious Harbors
    In Falmouth there are 1475 acres of harbors and bays able to accomodate yachts. In these sheltered waters, there are more than sixty-four million square feet of surface.
  • How the Cape Cod Towns Ranked in Whale Fishing 1854
    The records of 1854 show that as a whaling port, Provincetown topped other Cape ports. Receipts of the whale fishery during the year were: Falmouth, 513 barrels whale oil, 1828 barrels sperm; Provincetown,…
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