Cape Cod: pilgrims
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articles & blogs: pilgrims

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  • Pride of Provincetown
    The people of Provincetown are genuinely proud of the historic fact that it was at Provincetown that the memorable voyage of the Mayflower came to an end. It was there that her anchor, last wet…
  • Pilgrim Bill of Fare
    The Pilgrims had a tough time to survive their first winter. Food was the biggest problem. Hungry people cannot fight weakness or discouragement half so well as when they are filled and their appetites…
  • The Meaning of Puritan
    The title Puritan bears several meanings, including one that distinguished two groups of dissatisfied members of the church of England.
  • Strange Discovery
    When they first arrived at Provincetown, the Pilgrims did a fair amount of exploring the Cape. One day some of the Pilgrims wandering on Cape Cod noticed a heap of sand. Curiosity led their steps to…
  • Flag of the Free
    Some persons have the idea that when the Mayflower set sail from Old Plymouth, she flew from one of her mastheads a flag or a pennant with the inscription, “Freedom of Worship for All.”…
  • The Great Plague
    The reason the Pilgrims met no Indians aside from Samoset during the early days of their settlement was that in 1617, three years before the Pilgrims arrived, a terrible plague had spread from a Maine…
  • The Kettle Mystery
    When the Pilgrims’ little band of surveyors went ashore from the Mayflower to look over the new land and seek a good place to live, they discovered in a certain spot the remains of a house,…
  • Plymouth Rock Goes to Nevada
    Plymouth Rock as a whole will probably never be allowed to leave Plymouth, for Plymouth without its Rock would be like Boston without its
  • Cape Cod Canal Vision
    Miles Standish saw the Cape Cod Canal in his mind’s eye. He was the first person, so rumor has it, to propose that a canal should or could some day be dug from one side of the Cape to the other.…
  • The Pilgrims and the Whales
    The Pilgrim’s first recorded attempt at whaling was while the good ship Mayflower lay at anchor in what was later to be called Provincetown Harbor. It happened in this manner:
  • Abandon Ship!
    If this thrilling cry had sounded throughout the Mayflower in the fury of some storm or even in the dark of a calm night at sea, what a predicament her people would have been in!
  • John Alden Settles the Matter
    The Pilgrims and the Indians got along very well. There were a few arguments but none was serious. In 1657 the inhabitants of the Town of Yarmouth had a disagreement with the Indian sachem Yanno, or…
  • Cape Shoals Made History
    Think some time of the difference in American history there would have surely been were it not for Cape Cod and its great shoals. Captain Jones of the Mayflower, with a shipload of men and women…
  • Captain Shrimpe
    The travels of Myles Standish took him over much of the Massachusetts wilderness and he knew something of the Cape as well as the immediate area of Plymouth.
  • Distrust Aboard Mayflower
    Not all the passengers aboard the Mayflower were of one mind as to the future, or even present policies. There were some aboard who did not agree with the strong-minded leaders. Their murmurings…
  • Looking Around Bourne
    Trading with the Indians was one of the major activities of the Pilgrims. They built a trading post in Bourne at a place called “Aptucxet,” which is just off of Route 28.
  • First In The World
    The first written constitution in the world by which a government was created was the Mayflower Compact. The date of the Compact was November 11, 1620, by the Old Style calendar.
  • Mayflower Was An Ocean Liner
    Compared with some of the ships traversing the Atlantic in the early seventeenth century, the pilgrim ship Mayflower was in size an ocean liner. She certainly seems to have been one of the very…
  • Where Is the Mayflower?
    The Mayflower made many trips back and forth across the ocean before finally slipping into oblivion. But does anyone know what became of her?
  • Cape Cod and the Pilgrims
    Although Cape Cod is perhaps more commonly thought of as a vacation spot, this part of New England is rich in the early history of the Pilgrims, that courageous group of Englishmen and women who sailed…
  • Trees Became Coffins
    A Pilgrim settler, hewing logs to make his rude dwelling, and gazing at the virtually untouched…
  • A Fine Cleere Pond
    Between North Truro and Pond Village lies a little valley. Here we are informed by the historians of the Pilgrim Fathers, an armed force of the Pilgrims, under Captain Miles Standish, spent their second…
  • The Water and the Rock
    Before the Pilgrims laid their eyes and put their feet on historic Plymouth Rock, they drank their first New World water from what is now called Pilgrim Spring, in Truro.
  • That Pilgrim Spring at Truro
    According to Arthur Wilson Tarbell, writing in “Cape Cod Ahoy,” the site of the Pilgrim Spring at Truro was discovered in later years by a Bostonian named Dr. William H. Rollins.
  • Early Forests and Trees
    When the Pilgrims first entered the wooded areas all along the shores of the Cape, they found there a wide variety…
  • Standish Was A Man of Property
    Myles Standish left certain property in England to his heir, as well as the Duxbury homestead. Myles Standish’s descendants have, from time to time, claimed this English land.
  • The Pilgrims had Shortcomings
    Old records show that the Pilgrims were no better or no worse than other people. At nearly every court session, fines were imposed for drunkenness and idleness. (Yes, it was a sin to be idle in those…
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