Cape Cod: fishing
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articles & blogs: fishing

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  • Coastal Waters & Offshore Marine Forecasts
    Cape Cod area & offshore marine forecasts including Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound, Great South Channel, Georges Bank, and the waters South of New England out to 1000 fathoms.
  • Chatham Fisherman Charged with Humpback Whale Crime
    A local Chatham fisherman is charged with with violating the Endangered Species and Marine Mammal Protection acts for freeing a whale from his fishing gear off Chatham last July. Some readers of this…
  • What are the fishing banks off Cape Cod?
    To the North of Cape Cod is Stellwagen Bank (or Middle Bank). To the East of Cape Cod is Georges Bank.
  • Massachusetts State Record Striped Bass
    The 3 largest striped bass officially landed in Massachusetts weighed 73 pounds each. There are currently 3 record holders (according to the MA DMF) all sharing the MA State record for striped bass.…
  • Run Herring! Run!
    The Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Commission approved a three-year ban in all state waters on harvest, possession and sale of river herring. The November 2006 decision came in response to recent drastic…
  • Freshwater Fishing Spots: Cape Cod Lake & Pond Map
    Even though Cape Cod is surrounded by some of the best saltwater fishing waters in the Northeast, the freshwater fishing is great here too. The Cape is home to hundreds of freshwater ponds and lakes.…
  • Meet Your Local Shellfish Aquaculture Farmer
    Here’s a chance to meet, up close and personal those hardworking Lower Cape Cod Aquaculturists. Find out how they got started, what keeps them doing it, how they work their Aquaculture Grants,…
  • Fishing Spots: Smuggler’s Beach Fishing Pier South Yarmouth
    At the mouth of Bass River, on the west or Yarmouth side, there is a fishing pier at Smuggler’s Beach (aka Bass River Beach). From about 9 am to 4 pm this is a paid beach parking area during the…
  • Fishing Spots: Parker’s River Rt. 28 Yarmouth
    Parker’s River is a popular fishing spot in Yarmouth. There is plenty of parking and a fishing pier on the North side of the Route 28 bridge. You can catch flounder, fluke, striped bass, small…
  • Give And Take, Early Colonial Trade
    The fishing trade caught hold in the Massachusetts Colony from the very first (1630-1650). The colony, in September, 1630 petitioned King James I of England “for the preventing of disorderly trade,…
  • They Made Out Hunkey Dory
    Here’s an old interesting commercial fishing story. On December 17, 1903, two Portuguese trawlers of Provincetown had a chilling if not thrilling experience.
  • A Whale of a Breakfast
    In the summer of 1951, a whale managed to get himself into one of the fishing traps in the harbor in the lee of Long Point at Provincetown.
  • How to Catch Striped Bass: The Old Way
    The following passage is from the early 1950’s and describes a way to catch striped bass with a hand line using the “heave and haul” method:
  • The Flounders
    Talk about “wierd fish”. One of the queerest is the flounder! It is flat, literally as flat as a pancake. It’s delicious eating, too. And it is marked so dark on its upper side and…
  • Fishing: A Hard Life
    Provincetown is still a fishing town although its whaling days are over. The fishing industry is carried on chiefly by the Portuguese. These men are daring and hardened to the discomforts and dangers…
  • Oil Clothes
    Before the days of sewing machines, the fisherman’s clothes were made by outfitters. They bought the cloth, cut the pants, the jacket and the barvel (which was a large apron), and laid them out…
  • Armed & Dangerous Fishing Tournament
    Fish from shore or from a boat and support a great cause. The Armed & Dangerous Fishing Tournament…
  • Fishing Spots: Bass River Bridge Rt. 28
    The Bass River Bridge is one of the most well known fishing spots in the Mid-Cape area. The Bass River Bridge separates the towns of Dennis and Yarmouth on Route 28 in the South Yarmouth/West Dennis…
  • Cure By Cod Fishing
    Cape Cod parents, if they had a son who was either sickly or wild, sometimes sent the boy
  • Fishing Spots: Scargo Lake Dennis, MA
    Scargo Lake in Dennis is the only regularly stocked trout pond in the Town of Dennis. I grew up near here and spent many Spring days here fishing for trout and smallmouth bass.
  • Cape Cod Going North?
    The following is a report from 1955 regarding the warming of local ocean waters and it’s effect on Cape codfish stocks:
  • The Sword of the Sea
    One of the most impressive among many impressive kinds of fishes is the swordfish. Strong, supple, and daring beyond words, the swordfish rips into a school of mackerel, slashing and cutting with its…
  • Trout Fishing
    The Cape is home to some great freshwater fishing. Growing up here, I did quite a bit of freshwater fishing for trout and bass. This article covers trout and salmon stocking and the ponds that are stocked…
  • The Roccus Lineatus (striped bass)
    Striped bass fishing reports and striper fishing tips from more than half a century ago.
  • Fishing Report August 1948
    55 pound stripers and giant bluefin tuna were the catch of the week. The following fishing report is from mid August of 1948:
  • Codfish Economy
    Around the year 1750, there lived in Boston, John Welch, a patriot and citizen of importance, and a captain in the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Captain Welch realized the importance of the…
  • The Cape’s First Industry
    When John Cabot touched our New England shores, he was astounded at the vast numbers of fish in the water. There were so many that bears waded out, and easily caught and ate them. These fish were food…
  • Doggone Dogfish!
    Every year, when Cape Cod anglers find the fishing at its most exciting and resultful best, sure as fate the worst pest they know, unless it’s the skate, is sure to show up in the water and spoil…
  • What is a Trawl?
    A trawl has many different meanings depending on what type of fishing you are talking about.
  • What’s A Tautog?
    We’ve been looking into the dictionary for some definition of this fish, which is popular with sportsmen on Cape Cod. Best we can learn from the book is that a tautog is one of a family of labroid…
  • 1955 Cape Fishing Report
    The following is a Cape Cod fishing report from the Spring of 1955. It gives a good idea of how the spring fishing was a little over half a century ago.
  • Old Wreck Hauled Ashore
    On November 28, 1951, the dragger C. R. and M. fouled its nets in the wreckage of an old wreck…
  • Fogs, Storms, and Tossing Billows
    Were the frequent experiences of one of Cape Cod’s deep-sea skippers. Captain Manuel Enos was one of the Cape’s able mariners or deep-sea sailormen, a group that has vanished into history.
  • Fishermen Take Note
    Like the air we breathe, saltwater fishing is free. You do not need a license to fish in the salt waters of Cape Cod.
  • The Fleet’s In
    One hundred twenty-five years ago, the last Grand Bank fishing vessel of a fleet of forty-two craft arrived at Provincetown. The total catch was 58,500 quintals (100 pounds to the quintal) of codfish.…
  • Terrific Martha’s Vineyard Fishing
    It was a rainy day out on the water and North Shore Charters was the only boat out fishing, that is when 12-year old Molly…
  • They Used Big Anchors
    The pictures one sees which show the bow of some old sailing ship with her anchor catted (“hung up” on the out-side of her bow) invariably fail to give a true impression of the tremendous…
  • Some Codfish Facts
    The cod’s teeth are sharp, uneven, and pointed. It has no “grinders.” Codfish eat everything from crabs & clams to herring and other fish. You can tell what the cod have been eating…
  • Striped Bass Fishing Began Over 300 Years Ago
    The early inhabitants of Cape Cod fished for stripers as enthusiastically as the beach anglers of modern times. In William Wood’s “New England Prospect,” which came out in 1634,…
  • How the Cape Cod Towns Ranked in Whale Fishing 1854
    The records of 1854 show that as a whaling port, Provincetown topped other Cape ports. Receipts of the whale fishery during the year were: Falmouth, 513 barrels whale oil, 1828 barrels sperm; Provincetown,…
  • Chatham Fish Pier
    Looking for an interesting thing to do in Chatham? Visit the Chatham Fish Pier. The members of the fishing fleet make their run each suitable day to the fishing grounds from 3 to 100 miles off Chatham.…
  • The Lost & Found Dory Fishermen of The Schooner Joseph E. Johnson
    The Grand Bankers left home in the early Spring and disappeared into oblivion for from 3 to 5 months. Fog and icebergs were constant perils off the Grand Banks. During these days the fishing vessels…
  • Page 1 of 1 pages

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