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Cape Cod Worthington Murder Case: Cape Cod in the Spotlight

The story of the murder of fashion writer Christa Worthington has been unfolding since January 6, 2002 when her body was found at her cottage in Truro. A black garbage collector, Christopher McCowen, whose DNA was found on the body of the victim, has been charged with the rape and murder of Christa Worthington.

The trial is being televised live on Court TV with live reporters outside the Barnstable County Courthouse.

The fact that the victim was a wealthy white woman and a black man has been charged with the crime, have drawn alot of passionate response from those interested in the case. Court TV has said that this case has drawn a tremendous amount of viewer emails.

Local bloggers have also been trying to solve the case online. Cape Cod Today has several blogs going on the case. Of note is their Chris & Christa blog which aggregates the daily news on the case and a blog from an old magician boyfriend of the victim who crawled out of the woodwork to blog about the case.

Where did the murder take place? the street address is 50 Depot Road Truro, MA (see map below and windows live view)

What is the timeline of the case? See the timeline of the case at Cape Cod Online. They also have a who’s who of people involved in the case.

Online discussion of the case at the CourtTV message boards.

Worthington family background: Christa Worthington’s grandmother, Ada Elizabeth (Warden) Worthington, is credited for inventing “fishnet” stockings at her business in North Truro. She founded Cape Cod Fish Net Industries, a firm that by 1938 employed more than 40 people. She owned and operated women’s boutiques in Hyannis and Truro, Massachusetts; New York City; Sausalito, California; and Miami, Florida. In New York her fashions were sold in 21 stores; she and her fishnet products, which included dresses, scarves, dolls, curtains, etc., were featured in several fashion magazines.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 10/23/06
Categories: NewsPlaces
Keywords: news, murder, Christa Worthington, Christopher McCowen


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