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Where They Sleep!
Here and there the old Cape Cod villages are dotted by little cemeteries. Some of the cemeteries are very small. In them there are perhaps not over a score of graves.
In contrast to old burying grounds in Boston, Quincy, even Plymouth, where life and its business go on side by side, Cape cemeteries are indeed quiet, sleepy plots.
The story of Cape Cod cemeteries would fill a large book. It is not all a sad story, either. The inscriptions one reads in the ancient plots of God’s Acre mostly reveal profound assurance of the safe destiny of the souls of the deceased. They point morals rather than complaint, or longing for the departed.
When I was a kid there was a pond we often fished. This pond happened to be near an “ancient cemetery”. When the fish weren’t biting we often browsed the gravestones for interesting epitaphs. One I remember to this day reads:
Remember me as you pass by
For as you are now, so once was I
And as I am now, soon you shall be
So prepare yourself to follow me
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