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Where Is the Mayflower?
The Mayflower made many trips back and forth across the ocean before finally slipping into oblivion. But does anyone know what became of her?
Good authority has it that the ship which lighted the spark that started a nation, was used in 1624 to build a barn in Chalfant - St. Giles, Buckinghamshire, England. The barn, whose measurements agree with the measurements of the ship, was built the year that the Mayflower was broken up in the Thames River.
The owner of the Mayflower lived near there, and the barn builder, a man named Gardiner, was a relative of Grayford, fourth owner of the ship. The barn has a main beam that is cracked like that of the Mayflower. On one of the barn beams, barely discernible, are the faint letters spelling Harwich, the port where the Mayflower was registered. Moreover, a farmhouse near the barn possesses a very old door with a pattern of Mayflowers decorating it. This farmhouse, too, according to local tradition, utilized, the timbers of the Pilgrim ship.
In a pink stucco house of Spanish-Mediterranean style at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, hangs a piece of sturdy English oak from the old barn in Chalfant - St. Giles, commemorating The Most Famous Ship In History.
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I think the Mayflower is in everyones heart who wanna change his life even when it’s risky. Love it, change it or take the Mayflower.