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Where Did They Get Those Names?
The names of Cape Cod towns and villages make a deep impression on minds curious about such matters. Are you one of those who wonder where the names come from?
Cape Cod town names seem to be of two main classes. The one class is of Indian origin, the other speaks plainly of the namesake hometowns in England from which so many of the early Cape settlers arrived.
The Indian names include Sagamore, Shawme, Pocasset, Cotuit, Santuit, Wianno, Poponesset, Tonset, Namskaket, Waquoit, Meganset, and a few others.
The English names include Falmouth, Yarmouth, Harwich, Sandwich, Truro, and others.
The use of Indian names was perhaps an aid to the settlers in determining the geographical whereabouts of each group of Colonists. In the use of the names from Old England there must have been many a nostalgic reminder of dear friends and scenes forever left behind.
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