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Cape Cod When A Lobster Does The Split

The way a lobster fights to get out of its shell in June and August never fails to arouse wonder. By thrashing about and going into contortions of a lobster type, the creature splits its old shell all the way from its head -— excepting the tail.

The lobster gets the tail and disposes of it by further contortions. Once the tail is rid of, the lobster is free, except that it must pull and yank until its claws are drawn right through the knuckles. The whole battle to move out of its old home takes about forty-five minutes. But the lobster is not naked, even then it is already “dressed” in a new shell. This new shell is very soft and will require three weeks or so to harden. Until then, the lobster will go into hiding. Minus its old shell the lobster appears very small—only half its former size.

This process is known as molting or shedding. As lobsters grow older, they molt less and less frequently. A mature lobster molts or sheds only once every few years. If you get a recently molted lobster in your lobster dinner, you will know it as soon as you crack the shell. If this happens to you, a complaint will likely get you a new lobster. No one wants their restaurant to be known for skimpy lobsters.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 03/13/06
Categories: FoodNature
Keywords: food, lobster, critters, nature


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