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Cape Cod Town of Mashpee MA Overview & Map

The Town of Mashpee is the fastest growing municipality in Massachusetts. Along with the Martha’s Vineyard Town of Gay Head, it is also unique as one of the remaining homes of the Wampanoag Nation, the Native American tribe which met the Pilgrims at Plymouth. Although now outnumbered by new residents, the Wampanoag continue to play a significant role in defining the character of the community through the town’s Indian Museum, the annual July Pow Wow and other ongoing activities of the Tribal Council.

Mashpee is also home to an old Indian church and an old Indian burial ground where Wampanoag Indians have been buried for several hundred years.

With over five miles of sandy beaches on Nantucket and Vineyard Sounds, extensive waterfrontage on Waquoit and Popponesset Bays, four of the largest freshwater ponds on Cape Cod, the three championship golf courses of New Seabury and Willowbend and numerous other visitor amenities such as the nationally recognized Mashpee Commons project, Mashpee is a prime resort, seasonal home and retirement community offering both a relaxed pace of life and a complete range of services.

Mashpee also holds 1,000-plus acres of its own conservation lands as well as South Cape Beach State Park, the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and The Trustees of Reservations’ Lowell Holly and Mashpee River Reservations.

In addition to the town’s own efforts, 2200 acres in Mashpee have been included in a new (1995) National Wildlife Refuge. Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) was established in 1995 to preserve and protect natural resources associated with the Waquoit Bay area for the protection of waterfowl and protection of wildlife.

Mashpee is situated on the southwest end of Cape Cod. Bordered by Sandwich to the north, Barnstable to the east, Nantucket Sound to the south, and Falmouth to the west. Mashpee is located 66 miles southeast of Boston.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 08/15/06
Categories: MashpeePlaces
Keywords: mashpee


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