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Cape Cod Town of Falmouth MA Overview & Map

Falmouth is the second largest town in the county in land area and is a very attractive and modern place. Falmouth likely has one of the longest coastlines in Massachusetts. Consequently, there is a lot of high priced waterfront real estate. Because of all the waterfront or waterview properties, there is a lot of very attractive development in the community. However, large geographical tracts of land have been set aside for public conservation which serve to enhance the attractiveness of the community. Falmouth, like every community tries to retain attractiveness in the face of growth pressure.

Falmouth has a large summer colony scattered among its various villages. Woods Hole, the landing place for ferries for Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, is one of them and contains the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

The town was once noted for raising some of the finest strawberries and turnips grown, but while the size of the crop has fallen away, the quality has been maintained.

The bell on the First Congregtional meeting house was cast by Paul Revere in 1796 and is one of the oldest bells cast by him.

The British attacked the town in 1779 with a fleet of 10 vessels but were driven off by a force of volunteers recruited hastily from different points on the Cape.

Falmouth has an attractive business center with many smart shops catering to the summer visitors. It once had within its limits several large dairy farms noted for the excellence of their products produced from strains of the best bred cattle to be found anywhere. Its churches are attractive and well attended to.

It should be noted that Falmouth was also once a great shipping and whaling port, with many captains residing here and several whalers built here.

Falmouth is situated a little off the direct line of travel from Boston, but is easily accessible. Located on the shoulder, or southwest end of Cape Cod, Falmouth is bordered by Bourne and Sandwich to the north, Mashpee to the east, Buzzards Bay to the west, and Gosnold, Vineyard Sound, and Nantucket Sound to the south. Falmouth is 72 miles southeast of Boston and 239 miles from New York City.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 08/08/06
Categories: FalmouthPlaces
Keywords: falmouth


Where can I procure a street map of Falmouth, particularly West Falmouth and North Falmouth?

It would help us pick out an ideal house for a vacation.

Jim Gray

Posted by James Gray on 03/24/10 at 12:34 AM | #

Hi Jim,

I am assuming you mean a printed street map (book) of Cape Cod Martha’s Vineyard & Nantucket?

If you mean online, you can get detailed street maps and satellite view of anywhere on the planet.

Many Falmouth vacation rentals do not list the exact street address as I wrote about in Cape Cod Vacation Rentals: Tips for Vacationers.

Posted by Cape Cod from Cape Cod, Massachusetts on 03/24/10 at 01:14 AM | #

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