Cape Cod: Articles: Bourne, Places -- post an article
Town of Bourne MA Overview & Map
The Town of Bourne is a medium-sized rural community at the gateway to Cape Cod. Bourne contains the famous Cape Cod canal whose entire length is within the town limits, one end being at the village of Buzzards Bay and the other at the village of Sagamore. At the beginning of Cape Cod, bordered by Plymouth to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the northeast, Sandwich to the east, Falmouth to the south, and Buzzards Bay to the west, Bourne is 57 miles southeast of Boston and 233 miles from New York City.
The Cape Cod Canal (the widest man-made canal in the world) bisects the community, with both the Bourne and the Sagamore bridges, and the lift railroad bridge all located in Bourne. The canal is well known for its superb sport fishing, and for carrying ships flying the flags of all nations.
The Bourne Scenic Park campground is located beneath the Bourne Bridge and is a perfect camping location for those seeking to enjoy the canal. Bourne has numerous quiet harbors and inlets for boating and bathing. The annual Bourne Scallop Festival, which is held in early September each year, brings visitors from across the nation.
The town is an old one dating back to 1627 when the trading post known as Aptucxet was established to afford a trading place for the Indians and the white settlers of the Plymouth colony. Goods were traded here by the Dutch from New Holland (New York), French settlers from Canada, white settlers from the Plymouth colony and the Indians. The first business contract in America was drawn up and signed here. Some years ago, in 1930, the trading post was reproduced in all its entirety and is thus a great object of interest to all tourists and visitors.
Former President Grover Cleveland and Joe Jefferson, the famous actor, maintained summer homes here for years, that of the former, Gray Gables, being one of the most famous summer homes of a president for years. These were at Buzzards Bay, the real western gateway of the Cape, with Sagamore being the real eastern.
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