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Cape Cod The Sea Serpent

“Professor” George Washington Ready of Provincetown hid behind a sand dune and watched the monstrous creature rise out of the surf. It shot up geysers of spray, fifty feet high!

It was 300 feet long, more or less! Had a head as big as a 200-gallon cask! Six eyes, “as large as good-sized dinner plates,” that rose from the body and oscillated forward and aft and to port and starboard!Prof. George Washington Ready

The body was 12 feet in diameter and scales the size of a barrel head that “alternately turned green, red and blue” ! A mouth that disclosed four great rows of teeth and a tusk that extended from the nose “at least eight feet”! Three of the eyes were red, three green and “A strong sulphurous odor accompanied him, and intense heat was emitted, so much that the bushes and grasses over which he moved have the appearance of being scorched with fire”!

The terrible thing moved on to Pasture Pond. “As the tail disappeared, the water commenced to recede from the shore till the pond was left completely dry, with a large hole in the center some 20 feet in diameter, perfectly circular, down which sounding leads have been lowered 250 fathoms and no bottom found”!

It was in 1886, when Professor Ready functioned as the Town Crier of Provincetown. His harrowing experience was published in newspapers throughout the nation. An affidavit was appended, with Professor Ready’s own signature.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 04/10/06
Categories: InterestingProvincetownWeird
Keywords: interesting, legends, provincetown, weird


I was about 14 yrs old when my best friend Paul and i snuck out of my house one night at about 11:30pm to have some fun and explore the neighborhood at night. we did our thing for a couple hrs and were on our way home when we decided to stop at the “cliff”. we walked down “the goat path” as I’ve always known it to be called…and reached the cliff’s edge. We sat for awhile and was a clear clear night with many stars and a bright moon…full intact. the waters were fairly calm as i remember it and as we were looking towards the cape cod canal we saw a VERY large ( it had to be huge because we were maybe about 7 or 800 yards away on the cliff and gees..about 150ft up….maybe further ) what looked to be a….sea monster of sorts…just like you see on tv…though this was REAL life and happening in front of us. we were way to far to see such details such as color, eyes, scales ect. but we did see a massive silhouette of this creature… it was directly in the moon light strip..for about 2 min..maybe slightly longer but not much….after that it either went down under the water or it moved from right to left out of the strip of moon light. while this was happening we were both silent until it was no longer visible…i looked over at him and said ” did you see that”...not in a hysterical manner…just calm… and he said ” yeah…what was that?”....‘“I don’t know man…it looked like a sea monster to me.” we waited a few minutes to see if it would come back into view, but it never did. Still to this day i won’t swim in the ocean. just a side note this was in the summer months. i wish i knew what i saw for a fact…but when i saw this article i knew i had to say something…believe what you want…i will. ( im 28 now ) ( so this was in the 90’s )thanks for listening

Posted by mike from plymouth ma...(cedarville, nameloc bluffs) on 01/13/12 at 10:15 PM | #

mike…i would like to use your story in an article i am writing on massachusetts sea serpent sightings, especially those north of boston. my email address is please email me!

Posted by kristen on 01/24/12 at 05:43 AM | #

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