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The Oldest Windmill
The oldest windmill on Cape Cod stood at the road to West Yarmouth. The owner sold it to Henry Ford of automobile fame. He moved it from the Cape to his Dearborn Greenfield Village Museum.
Protests came in fast and furious, but to no avail, the windmill was moved. The original owner claimed that the town had ignored his offer to make the windmill a historic spot. So this truely Cape Cod giant is gone where it will be appreciated for its historical value. Now dubbed the Farris Windmill (after the family that operated it for three generations), built in the mid 1600’s, it is said to be the oldest windmill in the United States.
Presently the oldest windmill on Cape Cod is located in Eastham just south of the Salt Pond Visitor Center on Route 6. It was constructed in 1680 at Plymouth and was moved to Eastham in 1793.
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