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Cape Cod The Kettle Mystery

When the Pilgrims’ little band of surveyors went ashore from the Mayflower to look over the new land and seek a good place to live, they discovered in a certain spot the remains of a house, and a great kettle.

All that remained of the house was four or five old planks laid together. Of the fate of the former inhabitants, there was no inkling.

The kettle was a big one, which, in their opinion, had been a ship’s kettle and had been brought here from some part of Europe.

These discoveries must have filled the Pilgrims’ minds with very sobering thoughts. Who were the people that had built the house? What had happened to them? Were there any women and children among them? How long ago had they been here? Were they castaways? Were they explorers? Of all their durable equipment, why did only the great kettle remain? That it was taken for a ship’s kettle suggests that they were castaways. That only the kettle, remained suggests that they finally got away, perhaps by way of the sea.

It is said that before returning to the Mayflower, the band of Pilgrims threw the kettle into Pilgrim Pond, or Village Pond as it is known today.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 06/11/06
Categories: History
Keywords: history, pilgrims


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