Cape Cod: Articles: History, Houses -- post an article
Sea Captains’ Mansions
The square Georgian mansions of Cape Cod were built by the old-time sea captains. Like everything else on the Cape, they are modest and in good taste.
Usually two and half stories high, they have hip roofs, and one, two or even four large chimneys. Occasionaily there are brick side walls, although usually the entire house is built of wood.
Like the smaller “Cape Codders”, the decoration is concentrated on the beautiful front door. Front and side fanlights, Greek pilasters, and hand-carved woodwork ornament these beautiful doorways.
Both Colonial furnishings and foreign treasures were found in these captains’ houses. From their worldly travels, the Cape Cod sea captains brought home many items from all over the seven seas—maple and walnut furniture, English china, early American silverware, along with Japanese silks, rare shells, sandalwood, lacquered Oriental boxes, figurines of ivory and pieces of alabaster.
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