Cape Cod: Articles: Nature -- post an article
Save the Flowers!
In their desire to pick some of the lovely wild flowers that grow in Cape Cod fields and glens, visitors sometimes pull up the entire plant, roots and all. Few wild flowers can survive such a shock. They quickly wilt and die; and having been entirely removed from the soil, they have no descendents.
If you must pick any wild flower, why not snip it off the stem with a sharp knife or scissors? That will leave the roots intact and permit the plant to survive. Despite their apparent profusion, our beautiful wild flowers are being crowded out and some are in danger of practical extinction, by the advance of land development and housing construction.
Let us do all we can to help them withstand these destructive factors. Certain it is, that the wild flowers whose beauty we pause to admire, if permitted to remain living and lovely, will be there for following visitors to find and admire, season after season.
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