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It Took A Rocket Scientist…
The CIMT (carotid intima-media thickness) test, or ArterioVision, a technology initially developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California is a non-invasive ultrasound examination of the carotid artery, which carries blood from the heart to the brain. The test measures the thickness of the inner two layers of the carotid artery (intima & media) and the results reveal the true age of your arteries, allowing physicians to monitor and change current medications to reduce your future risk of cardiovascular events or provide immediate intervention if necessary.
The good news is that this break through technology is now being offered on the Cape. The bad news? Insurance companies are not presently covering this service. (approx. $200) From a business perspective, most insurers feel that since customers typically change carriers every 3 years, the benefits will not accrue quickly enough to be cost effective for the insurer. Preventive diagnostic testing would not be covered by insurance companies because the patient would be considered “too well” to qualify. Unfortunately, most people won’t realize that they are at risk for a cardiovascular event until they begin to exhibit symptoms. Sometimes too late.
Now more than ever, with the rising cost of gasoline, added to the increasing daily cost of living on the Cape, you may wonder, “why should I pay out of pocket for healthcare tests if I feel fine?” If you can agree with any of the following statements, then perhaps you may want to change your way of thinking:
- You have a family history of cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, etc).
- You have a family history or are at high risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
- You want to make important lifestyle changes but aren’t sure if they are safe or where to begin.
- You are overweight, smoke, or frequently feel tired or “sluggish”.
- Your lifestyle, income, family, etc. would be significantly impacted if you were to spend 4-6 weeks recovering from a heart attack or stroke.
Prevention of heart disease works! Early detection and treatment can reverse early blockages in blood vessels and prevent the risk of disability and death from heart attack and stroke. It is estimated that 85% of heart and vascular disease is preventable. So why doesn’t this translate into a lot of healthier people with more cardiologists out of work? Clearly the American lifestyle of fast-paced living, high stress, and ubiquitous food provides the perfect atmosphere for the development of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes; the precursors to heart disease.
Preventive medicine is essentially a prescription for change. As with any other questions in life (including where to buy the cheapest gas), it is up to you to decide whether or not you are ready to make that change.
Click Here for More Information...
The Cardiovascular Wellness Program -- source
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