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Cape Cod Nauset’s Big Boulder

As you drive out to Nauset Light, keep an eye open for Nauset’s Big Boulder. You will spy it roosting in a grove of trees to your right. Wonder how it got there?

Glacier did it! Yes, the boulder, one of the boldest of boulders, is an enduring reminder of the ages when Cape Cod or what there was of it in those frigid years was being hauled and mauled by ice floes. As you gaze at the boulder, and contemplate all its stony bulk, its massive frame, its stupendous weight, and its isolation from any other boulder like it, just think of the mighty force and tremendous surge it took to shove it from somewhere in the far north to its present site. It actually looks as though the glacier just got plain tired and called things quits when it got Nauset.

This boulder is also known as Doane Rock, named after Deacon John Doane, one of Eastham’s original settlers. It has also been called Enochs or Enos rock for the deacon’s son, as well as Great Rock. The rock (which is possibly the largest boulder in Southern New England), was left by a glacier between what is now the Salt Pond Visitors Center and Coast Guard Beach.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 04/03/06
Categories: EasthamHistoryNaturePlaces
Keywords: eastham, geology, history, nature, places


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