Cape Cod: Articles: Fishing, Fishing Spots, Places, Yarmouth -- post an article
Fishing Spots: Smuggler’s Beach Fishing Pier South Yarmouth
At the mouth of Bass River, on the west or Yarmouth side, there is a fishing pier at Smuggler’s Beach (aka Bass River Beach). From about 9 am to 4 pm this is a paid beach parking area during the summer, so if you don’t want to pay, plan on fishing early in the morning or in the evening after the parking attendants leave.
If you are taking your family to the beach, this is a good spot to also bring your fishing gear. Striped bass, bluefish, flounder, fluke, sea bass and scup can be caught here. You can also fish the length of the jetty or rock embankment as well as the pier.
The best fishing is usually between 2 to 3 hours before and after high tide. Most folks fish with casting plugs or bait such as squid, sand eels, or cut bait like mackerel or herring. This fishing pier is also handicapped accessible with a nice level boardwalk from the parking lot to the pier.
If you are bait fishing here you’ll want to use a sinker with a fair amount of weight. The tide is fairly strong here and this will prevent your bait from drifting with the tide and possibly tangling with other fishermen’s lines. Since there is a decent tide here weeding up can be a problem when bottom fishing, so check your bait frequently.
There is also a good boat ramp here with trailer parking. When the tide is running hard, it can be tricky loading and unloading your boat, so keep that in mind.
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This look like a very nice place to fish
I am sure this is salt water fishing? do you have to pay for fishing license.
Thanks for the info