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Fishing Report August 1948
55 pound stripers and giant bluefin tuna were the catch of the week. The following fishing report is from mid August of 1948:
Striped bass fishing got hotter all along the Massachusetts coast last week. The fish were bigger up to 55 pounds; there were more of them, and both surfcasters and boat fishermen were getting their share.
The dogfish gone, giant tuna fishing has picked up and there are plenty in both Ipswich and Cape Cod Bays for the big game anglers. School tuna are more plentiful than for many years in the waters south of Cape Cod and off Martha’s Vineyard.
Big derby news of the week is the announcement by Al Brickman, chairman of the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass Derby committee, that the first grand prize will be a Redman New Moon trailer for the biggest striper taken on rod and reel between September 15 and October 15 in Island waters.
Equally important is the announcement that the Marblehead Fish and Game Club is sponsoring a striped bass derby through October 15. A total of $500 in seasonal prizes will be divided between the fishermen taking the largest stripers on rod and reel. The entry fee is $2 and application should be made to Shirley Dennis, 20 Jersey Street, Marblehead.
Competition is very keen in the Plum Island striper derby with the bass continuing to run heavy.
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