Cape Cod: Articles: Maps -- post an article
Dude Where’s My Car?
Have you ever seen your house from space? Google recently updated the satellite imagery for their maps. From the view of my house, I gather the imagery is from sometime last year, maybe Fall. Since my car is not in the driveway in the imagery, I have been trying to find it on the satellite image maps.
Can you help me find my ride? It’s a 2003 Ford F-350 extended cab pickup color blue/gray. I usually have a coil of 1” rope in the back on the side behind the driver. The truck measures 20 ft. 4 1/2 in. from bumper to bumper, so it should be easy to spot.
Anyhow if you want to try to find your car/house from space use the search form below. Once you hit the results page you can toggle between street map, satellite, and hybrid modes. If you need to get really accurate GPS coordinates for a dog house, a specific parking space at the Cape Cod Mall (updated:check it out in Aerial/Birdseye View) or anywhere else, you can use our GPS maps
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