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Cape Cod Driving Directions From New York City to Cape Cod

If driving to Cape Cod from NY City, you are going to take Interstate 95 North through Connecticut and Providence then take Interstate 195 East to Route 25. You will enter the Cape over the Bourne Bridge approach which spans the Cape Cod Canal. Complete driving directions from New York City to Cape Cod:

Start address: New York, NY
End address: Bourne, MA 02532
Distance & Driving Time: 235 mi (about 4 hours 49 mins)

Driving Directions:

  1. Turn right into the entry ramp to FDR Dr
  2. Bear right onto the FDR Dr N ramp
  3. Take the Triboro Br exit 17 to Bruckner Expwy (I-278)/Grand Central Pkwy
  4. Take the I-278 E ramp to Bronx (I-87 N)/Upstate N Y/New England
  5. Take the I-278 E exit 47 to New Haven
  6. Take the I-278 E ramp to New Haven
  7. Bear left at I-95 N
  8. Take the I-195 E exit 20 to East Providence/Cape Cod
  9. Take the RT-25 E exit 22A to Cape Cod
  10. Take the Bourne Bridge approach onto Cape Cod

Once you cross the Bourne Bridge, there is a rotary or traffic circle. Off this rotary you can take MacArthur Boulevard south towards Falmouth or take Sandwich Road north to either Route 6 (the Mid-Cape Highway) or Route 6A (the scenic route) to points east as far as Provincetown.

You might also want to read our traffic reports and driving tips.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 08/16/06
Categories: GeneralGetting Around
Keywords: New York City to Cape Cod, driving directions, general, getting around, traffic


how far from Cape Cod to Portland Me?

Posted by Chris Kimmel from nj on 01/27/08 at 07:02 PM | #

To Portland, Maine? 175 mi - about 3 hours 2 mins driving time

Distances from other Metropolitan Areas to Cape Cod:

Atlanta, GA - 1114 miles
Annapolis, MD - 456 miles
Bangor, ME - 291 miles
Boston, MA - 57 miles
Burlington, VT - 273 miles
Charleston, SC - 1011 miles
Charlotte, NC - 874 miles
Chicago, IL - 1032 miles
New York, NY - 241 miles
Philadelphia, PA - 337 miles
Washington D.C. - 473 miles

Posted by Cape Cod from Cape Cod, Massachusetts on 02/28/08 at 05:18 PM | #

Related Posts: are tagged with New York City to Cape Cod, driving directions, general, getting around, traffic
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