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Copper Plates In His Ears
When Gosnold, touring the eastern side of Cape Cod on his first voyage here, landed at what he named “Mavoshen,” he was astonished beyond words to behold a shallop approaching him which was of European make.
In the shallop were eight Indians. To Gosnold’s further astonishment, one of these “savages” was dressed in clothing of European make.
Gosnold came to the opinion that some unfortunate mariner had been shipwrecked at this location, but could not tell whether or not the unlucky man were still alive.
With five others, Gosnold went ashore. There he had another surprise. A young Indian came up to him, from whose ears hung plates of copper, and in whose hands were a bow and arrows. But the Indian was friendly disposed, and offered to be of service to the white men.
Gosnold thought that this place must have been “the first spot in New England ever trod by Englishmen.”
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