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Cape Cod Cold Friday

The name Snow is a notable one on Cape Cod and the South Shore. It goes ‘way back to the early settlers’ time, and it has always been an honorable one born by honorable Cape Codders and South Shore folks.

In Truro, one of the most famous Snows was one Ambrose. Ambrose was a warm-hearted man, and used to court a young woman who lived in Cohasset. They became engaged. Then came one of the coldest spells the Cape had known. Some say this was in 1806 and others say it was in 1841 - both had winters.

Anyway, poor Ambrose froze up on what was ever after referred to as “Cold Friday.” He suffered the loss of his lower legs and gallantly sent his ladylove, Miss Pratt, word that under these circumstances she was quite free from their vows. But, says tradition, the equally gallant young woman promptly sent back word that “legs or no legs,” she would still have him.

They married, and were blessed with seven sons and five daughters. This, to many, would be sufficient indication of the Divine approval of their marriage.

It is said that for many years after Ambrose’s bitter experience with freezing, the old folks would remark on somewhat like days. “It ain’t been so cold since Ambrose Snow lost his legs.”

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 05/17/06
Categories: HistoryLifeWeather
Keywords: history, life, weather


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