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Cape Cod Houses Most Popular
The most popular of all styles of houses in America today is almost surely our own Cape Cod style house. Go where you will throughout the country, the simplicity of the Cape Cod house seems to have captivated numberless homebuilders.
You’ll find it in beautiful residential towns and villages that have never had a salt sea breeze pass over them. And there is probably not a single town in the Bay State which is not dotted with some houses in Cape Codder style.
Is it strange that so early a design should be so very much alive today? For it is about three hundred fifty plus years old and still going strong. The true Cape Cod is low, broad of beam, has low ceilings and a broad roof minus any dormers.
It’s really a one and-a-half-story “box.” It was first built to stand bad weather, balk hard winds and shed heavy rains. No gadgets or anything else to clutter it up, inside or out, were part of it. When you see such things now in a reputed Codder, you are seeing departures from the true style.
If you hope to build yourself a Cape Cod house, or to buy one, it will pay you first of all to learn by sight and study what is authentic and what is not. How to Recognise an Original Cape Cod Style Home
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