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Canal Will Fail, They Said
The building of the Cape Cod Canal was not accomplished in a day — nor without a great deal of controversy. Skeptics asserted that it would be a failure and would never make enough money to achieve its financial success.
But while they sat on the banks, so to speak, and jeered, the canal builders went right on digging.
The Falmouth Gazette, in 1910, reported that:
The Cape Cod canal, from Barnstable Bay to Buzzards Bay, will be open for transportation in less than three years, not withstanding the opinion of skeptics is the prediction of Capt. J. W. Milliken, USN, vice-president of the Cape Cod Canal Company, who delivered an address on ‘The History and Economic Value of Canals’ before the members of a Boston commercial club.
In 1914, the Canal was formally opened, to the joy of its promotors and the silencing of its critics.
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