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Cape Cod Bass River Fish Market & Seafood Restaurant

An empty lot is all that remains of the Bass River Fish Market & Seafood Restaurant. Years ago, when I was commercial fishing we used to sell fish there once in a while.

Sometimes fish and/or lobsters were traded for bar tabs. Years before that we would skip school in Spring when the bluefish first arrived at West Dennis to catch a few totes full and sell them there too. The first few days the bluefish arrived they would always fetch a good price (sometimes $0.50/lb or more).

Here is an old description from the 1960’s:

Bass River Fish Market & Seafood Restaurant located just off Rt. 28 on Mill Lane So. Yarmouth — The Proprietors, Mr. Reed and Mr. Stowell, of this well-known wholesale and retail seafood establishment have built a brand new sea food restaurant; all this resulting from the popularity and quality of the food when they were serving only take out orders.

The hot or cold lobster dinner, the baked stuffed lobster, clam plate or the many varieties of fresh-caught fish are of the same exceptional quality as the products sold in their market. This restaurant is large, seats 160, service is prompt, and neatly decorated with curtains, indirect lighting, and a most pleasing color scheme of green adorns the walls. There is no parking problem. A take out service is offered to those who wish it. Prices are exceptionally reasonable and servings generous. Their specialty is hot boiled lobster plate for $1.79 and their baked stuffed lobster, well worth the 20 minute wait, $2.65 and a varied seafood menu all at family budget prices. This popular restaurant is open the year round from 12 noon to 9 p.m. daily. Informal dining atmosphere, dress as you please. When you have finished eating, make sure you stop in at their small but selective gift shop.

How about that—boiled lobster for $1.79 and baked stuffed lobster for $2.65…  wink

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 04/10/06
Categories: GonePlacesRetroYarmouth
Keywords: gone, retro, yarmouth


I believe the Bass River Fish Market was closed torn down about 10 or so years ago. I can’t remember exactly.

Where to eat? I always recommend Captain Parker’s Pub (Rt 28 South Yarmouth) for dinner and drinks and Kream & Kone (West Dennis at Routes 28 & 134) for fried seafood.

Posted by Cape Cod from Cape Cod, Massachusetts on 05/16/06 at 01:18 PM | #

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