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Cape Cod 1,000 Year Old Indian Murder

In the spring of 1966, a 1000 year old murder was discovered through an archeological trip by three Harvard students. Two skeletons were found in the back yard of a local West Yarmouth man.

A third and fourth skeleton were partially unburied. The first skeleton was found to be a female speciman, perfectly preserved, and it was concluded that a dart or other sharp object had severed the spinal column.

After examination by an archeologist it was reported that the female was 22 or 23 years old. All teeth and bones were in place indicating that the body had had a proper burial, and had been placed on the right side with its knees drawn up to the chest, with hands over the eyes, and in a sleeping position.

Adjacent to the grave of the first skeleton, a second was found, containing the skeleton of a small child about 6 years old, of undetermined sex. The sex of young skeletal remains cannot be determined, but the age can easily be determined by the development of their teeth.

The dart or spear head found in the spinal column of the female was labeled as rare and interesting by an archeologist. He noted that such relics are rarely found.

Anthropologists also found two hearths and oyster, quahog, clam and scallop shells, giving evidence of an old Indian camp site.

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Cape Cod
Posted by Cape Cod - (website) on 05/25/06
Categories: InterestingWeirdYarmouth
Keywords: indians, interesting, weird, yarmouth


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