CapeLinks Cape Cod: Weird
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articles & blogs: weird

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  • Massachusetts Paranormal Institute, Inc.
    Headquartered on Cape Cod, The Massachusetts Paranormal Institute provides no-cost, professional and discrete, high-tech investigations into the cause and origin of known or suspected paranormal activity.
  • Walk The Streets of Barnstable Village-History/Haunted
    If Barnstable Village is an interest to you and you have a desire to learn the history as well as some past residents who still reside, read on.
  • Sagamore Cemetery Haunting
    In a small quiet Sagamore cemetery dwells an unknown force also known as ghosts. It has been rumored to be haunted for as long as anyone can remember. The strong scent of cigar smoke can be smelled…
  • A Certified Sea Serpent
    From Zion’s Herald, Boston, Aug. 2, 1826 we get this interesting account of a sea monster sighting off Cape Cod:
  • 1,000 Year Old Indian Murder
    In the spring of 1966, a 1000 year old murder was discovered through an archeological trip by three Harvard students. Two skeletons were…
  • Cape Cod Borgia
    Near the town of Falmouth there is the little village of Cataumet. Thirty-one people were murdered in that quiet little village unbeknown to anyone. They were thought to have died natural deaths.
  • The Great Yellow Day
    On Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1881, there occurred over all New England, for nearly all that day, a darkness of alarming nature. It was like the famous “dark day” of ninety-nine years before, 1780,…
  • The Sea Serpent
    “Professor” George Washington Ready of Provincetown hid behind a sand dune and watched the monstrous creature rise out of the surf. It shot up geysers of spray, fifty feet high!
  • Cape Cod Ghost Stories
    New England is home to some great ghost stories and the Cape has some old ghosts of it’s own. From haunted houses and inns to the ghost of a pirate’s jilted lover, Cape Cod is rich in hauntings.…
  • Cape Cod’s Black Magic
    If you are standing one evening on a Harwich shore, and, looking off towards Monomoy, suddenly see the shrubs elongate themselves into trees, and sand dunes on the far eastern horizon seem to be mysteriously…
  • A Foggy Story
    In Harwich Port there used to live (they say) a man named Cap’n Bunce, who owned a little house. One foggy morning Cap’n Bunce set a Chatham man to work shingling his roof.
  • Delusions Of Witchcraft
    Although there have never been any hangings for witchcraft on the Cape, many believed in the agencies of ghosts and witches. This has proved a never ending source of material for writers. Incidents…
  • The Ghosts Of Cape Cod’s Ships
    Very wild have been the storms that have lashed the shores of Cape Cod where it faces the open sea, and even where the half-encircling arm bends as though to shield the ships on the sea and the dwellers…
  • Cape And Islands Paranormal Research Society
    The CAIPRS is a society of paranormal researchers and investigators who conduct investigations of alleged paranormal activity. CAIPRS is located in W. Barnstable, MA and is a non-profit Society. CAIPRS…
  • The Beast of Truro
    I remember the story about the “Beast of Truro”. In September of 1981 several pet cats were found slaughtered and rumors were flying that a panther or mountain lion was responsible for the…
  • Page 1 of 1 pages

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