Cape Cod Home Improvement Services
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Wellfleet Chezsven Blog
Wellfleet innkeeper/writer describes what it is like to live on the Outer Cape and run a green B&B.
New website and on-line magazine features Cape and Islands
Visit for information about the architectural services offered by Katie Hutchison Studio and to read House Enthusiast, an on-line magazine exploring house, garden, and…
Meet Your Local Shellfish Aquaculture Farmer
Here’s a chance to meet, up close and personal those hardworking Lower Cape Cod Aquaculturists. Find out how they got started, what keeps them doing it, how they work their Aquaculture Grants,…
Cape Cod House Painters
Need to get your Cape Cod house painted? Finding a good house painter on Cape Cod can be tough. Cape Cod House Painting…
Barnstable County Registry of Deeds Online Search
The Barnstable Registry of Deeds records can now be searched online. Once completed, the database will extend back to 1703, although that date is a bit misleading due to an event that occurred nearly…
Annie’s Crannies Dennis, MA
Cranberry cultivation had its beginning on Cape Cod when in 1816, Henry Hall, a resident of Dennis village, discovered that wild cranberry plants covered by winter’s wind blown sand produced bigger…
Cape And Islands Paranormal Research Society
The CAIPRS is a society of paranormal researchers and investigators who conduct investigations of alleged paranormal activity. CAIPRS is located in W. Barnstable, MA and is a non-profit Society. CAIPRS…