CapeLinks Cape Cod: Nature
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articles & blogs: nature

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  • Doggone Dogfish!
    Every year, when Cape Cod anglers find the fishing at its most exciting and resultful best, sure as fate the worst pest they know, unless it’s the skate, is sure to show up in the water and spoil…
  • Cape Cod Moraine
    A moraine is a ridge or heap of earth and stones collected by a glacier and deposited. Long Island farther south is a moraine.The Grand Banks and the Georges Banks to which many a Cape Cod schooner…
  • 1,000,000 Years Ago
    Geologists tell us that microscopic examination of the famous clays of Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard show evidence of animals that…
  • The Coming of the Peepers
    Ask any Cape Codder about peepers. He will probably inform you that they are “little frogs that come to life” early each spring — even as early as the first week of March and herald…
  • Little Lines About Large Lobsters
    One of Cape Cod’s most succulent dishes is “boiled live lobster.” The lobster is not only good eating, but despite his homely, even ugly form, is quite an interesting creature.
  • A Whale’s Tail
    The only way a man can get ahead in life is to use his head, but not so with a whale. A whale’s tail, unlike the vertical tail of a fish is horizontal.
  • Cape Cod Land Recently Made
    If you ever think of Cape Cod as an “old” place, because so much of our American history dates from its discovery by Gosnold and the settlement of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, spreading along…
  • Tommy Cod Houses
    An early August stroller on Cape Cod’s beaches will stoop down, and with a puzzled look, see near the tide line, a sand ring, shaped like a small stand-up collar, like those worn by grandpa in…
  • The Cape Is Young
    The surface of Cape Cod is young geologically. Scientists believe that it may be less than 15,000 years since the Great Glacier retreated, leaving behind the rock, sand, and gravel which form the Cape…
  • Blackfish Ashore
    When the legislators of Massachusetts became all tangled up during the summer of 1955 in a debate on whether blackfish are really fish or a type of whale, the Provincetown Advocate waxed eloquent…
  • Land Use 1951-1990
    I have lived on the Cape for 30 some odd years and have seen quite a change in the amount of development that has taken place here. The
  • Dashing Cape Robbers
    One of the Cape’s most handsome birds is a robber. With a flash of blue through the air and a swift swoop upon his “prey,” this fellow gets what he is after.
  • Early Forests and Trees
    When the Pilgrims first entered the wooded areas all along the shores of the Cape, they found there a wide variety…
  • Life From the Sea
    From the very beginnings of modern life on Cape Cod, the sea has furnished food, earnings, and recreation for the dwellers there. It has also battered the land, changed its beaches and contour, wrecked…
  • Wild Animals on Cape Cod
    In 1713, the town of Eastham, much vexed by the depredations of wolves, foxes, and deer, voted that “Three pounds bounty be paid in addition to what is allowed by the Province Law for every head…
  • The Sea Around Us
    The familiar title of Rachel Carson’s book, The Sea Around Us, aptly describes the Cape Codder’s situation. For Cape Cod, once a peninsula and now (because of the Canal) an island,…
  • Runaway Horse Leads to Rich Find
    A little over one hundred-fifty summers ago, a resident of Wellfleet, Captain Daniel Rich, had an unusual experience. One of his horses ran away, and in pursuing the animal in its pasture, Capt. Rich…
  • Wolves, Fifteen Shillings Each
    Wolves were a problem in the early days of Cape Cod. Several of the towns paid a bounty for each wolf killed. In 1658 the Town of Sandwich voted that the Indians were to be paid 15 shillings for every…
  • The Beast of Truro
    I remember the story about the “Beast of Truro”. In September of 1981 several pet cats were found slaughtered and rumors were flying that a panther or mountain lion was responsible for the…
  • Some Codfish Facts
    The cod’s teeth are sharp, uneven, and pointed. It has no “grinders.” Codfish eat everything from crabs & clams to herring and other fish. You can tell what the cod have been eating…
  • The Cape Used to be a Hunter’s Heaven
    “Hunter’s Heaven” does not refer to a place where hunters go who shoot themselves by accident. Nor does it refer to a place for persons shot by mistake while deer hunting. No, I mean…
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