CapeLinks Cape Cod: Dennis

History: Settled 1639, named after Reverend Josiah Dennis, Incorporated June 19, 1793. Originally part of Yarmouth (East Precinct of Yarmouth, Nobscusset).

Villages or Sections:
Dennis Port, East Dennis, Dennis, New Boston, Nobscusset Heights, Quivet Neck, Searsville, Sesuit Neck, South Dennis, South Village, West Dennis.

Points of Interest:
Site of Shiverick Shipyard, where many famous Clipper ships were built in East Dennis.
First saltworks built by John "Sleepy" Sears, East Dennis.
Mural painting by Edwin Blashfield and one of the oldest church organs in America, in South Dennis Congregational Church.
Cape Cinema with its 6,400-square-foot mural by Rockwell Kent and Jo Meilzener.
The Cape Playhouse, America's most Famous Summer Theater, originally the old Nobscusset Meeting House.
Scargo Hill Observatory, Scargo Tower, highest point on Mid-Cape.

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articles & blogs: dennis

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  • Town of Dennis MA Overview & Map
    Dennis, named an All American Town in 1978, combines its traditional New England heritage with modern day conveniences. Once famous for its
  • Gaynor & Dent Consignments South Dennis
    “Consignments shops are hot these days, and there is always another take on the model,” says proprietress Deb Ehnstrom. “Gaynor & Dent Consignments has unique antiques, collectibles,…
  • Rockwell Kent and the Cape Cinema Mural
    Dennis’ Cape Cinema is an Art Deco jewel, nested inside a reserved New England facade.
  • Cape Cod Scenic Tours
    Welcome to Cape Cod Scenic Tours! Cape Cod Scenic Tours, based in the mid Cape, specializing in sightseeing tours throughout Cape Cod. Our sightseeing tours are fun filled and leave each visitor…
  • Shipmasters of Dennis
    Not even in the seaports of Boston or New York do the great long bowsprits and jib booms of squareriggers rise these days out and over the wharves bordering harbor streets. For the square rigger with…
  • Lost Dog Pub East Dennis
    This pub/restaurant tucked away over on the north side…
  • O’Shea’s Olde Inne At West Dennis
    Under new ownership, O’Shea’s Olde…
  • Sundancer’s West Dennis
    Established in 1983, this waterfront restaurant…
  • Sirloin Steak - 18c A Pound!
    An old-time East Dennis resident reminiscing days gone by in that community, recalled the manner of doing business there.
  • Whaler of Dennis
    When Dennis was known as the East Parish of Yarmouth (which was the case up to 1793), one of its foremost inhabitants was a certain Captain Ichabod Paddock.
  • When The Cape Salted America
    During the War of the Revolution, salt for American tables was nearly as scarce as hens’ teeth. To an imaginative Cape Codder named “Sleepy” John Sears, a sea captain hailing from…
  • Fishing Spots: Bass River Bridge Rt. 28
    The Bass River Bridge is one of the most well known fishing spots in the Mid-Cape area. The Bass River Bridge separates the towns of Dennis and Yarmouth on Route 28 in the South Yarmouth/West Dennis…
  • Reminders Of Whaling Days
    It is said that one hundred and fifty sea captains lived in Dennis in 1837; and Brewster in 1850, boasted of having more skippers than any other port in the country.
  • Vikings at Dennis?
    Was it at Dennis that “Vinland” of the Norse sagas was located? Over 50 years ago, under the supervision of the Massachusetts Archeological Society and the Cape Cod chamber of commerce,…
  • Fishing Spots: Scargo Lake Dennis, MA
    Scargo Lake in Dennis is the only regularly stocked trout pond in the Town of Dennis. I grew up near here and spent many Spring days here fishing for trout and smallmouth bass.
  • How Dennis Got Its Name
    Reverend Josiah Dennis settled on the Cape in what was to be known as Dennis. In 1865 Dennis was a thriving and flourishing town of 48 fishing vessels.
  • Player’s Pharmacy, Rt. 6A, East Dennis
    I worked at Player’s Pharmacy for a few years when I was in high school. The Dubins were great people to work for. I especially enjoyed talking to Phil Dubin the eldest of the family, who bought…
  • Shiverick’s Shipyard
    Asa Shiverick and his sons built many fine clipper ships in the famous shipyard, now marked only by a plaque…
  • Cape Cod Water Cure
    A century and a half ago, according to records brought to light by the clerk of courts, Barnstable County, it was reported “that the Cape Cod Hydropathic or Water Cure Institute is now ready for…
  • Annie’s Crannies Dennis, MA
    Cranberry cultivation had its beginning on Cape Cod when in 1816, Henry Hall, a resident of Dennis village, discovered that wild cranberry plants covered by winter’s wind blown sand produced bigger…
  • Page 1 of 1 pages

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