CapeLinks Cape Cod: Brewster

History: Settled 1653, named after Elder William Brewster. Incorporated February 19, 1803, Part of Harwich (Potenumacut). June 21, 1811, part of Harwich annexed. April 25, 1848, part annexed to Harwich. February 20, 1861, bounds between Brewster and Orleans established.

Villages or Sections:
Brewster Station, East Brewster, North Brewster, South Brewster, West Brewster, Factory Village, Ocean Edge Resort, Paines Creek.

Points of Interest:
Old water wheel at Stony Brook, site of first Waterpower Grist-mill in America.
Prayer Rock and Indian Amphitheater.
Indian Mill and Stone at High Brewster.
Wing's Island, showing Wing settlement and remains of Old Salt Works.
Nickerson State Forest Park.
Dillingham House, Route 6A, one mile from Dennis town line.
Brewster windmill.
Drummer Boy Park and Museum.
New England Fire History Museum.

Brewster Ma Lodging

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articles & blogs: brewster

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  • Town of Brewster MA Overview & Map
    Brewster is an historic sea captains’ town located on the bay side of Cape Cod. Established in 1803, the town encompasses approximately twenty three square miles, including over 325 acres of beach…
  • Cape Cod and the Otter Valley: closer than you think
    Michael Downes, writing from Budleigh Salterton in Devon UK, has started a blog to celebrate the sisterhood initiated in 2001 between his home…
  • Bassett’s Wild Animal Farm
    Bassett’s Wild Animal Farm in Brewster was one of the more unique Cape Cod attractions featuring many different types of animals, some native to the area and some exotic. The farm has changed…
  • Cape Cod Scenic Tours
    Welcome to Cape Cod Scenic Tours! Cape Cod Scenic Tours, based in the mid Cape, specializing in sightseeing tours throughout Cape Cod. Our sightseeing tours are fun filled and leave each visitor…
  • Brewster, The Sea Town
    Brewster was once the town of ship masters and sea captains. All Brewster mates, worth their salt, went to sea. Brewster men became captains
  • Reminders Of Whaling Days
    It is said that one hundred and fifty sea captains lived in Dennis in 1837; and Brewster in 1850, boasted of having more skippers than any other port in the country.
  • Jeremiah Mayo, Famous Skipper
    Jeremiah Mayo, born 1786 in Brewster, was typical of the many Cape Cod blue water captains who left their mark on American nautical history. Mayo was one of nine big brothers who, when laid end to end,…
  • Cape Cod Icecapade
    Back in 1933-34 the Cape experienced a winter it has not yet forgotten. It was so cold that saltwater ice formed early, first in the various creeks, then in the harbors of Wellfleet and Provincetown,…
  • Page 1 of 1 pages

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