CapeLinks Cape Cod: Beaches
Cape Cod is home to hundreds of saltwater and freshwater beaches
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Cape Cod's 559.6 miles of coastline offers many beautiful sandy beaches for you to enjoy. Beaches on the Cape Cod Bay north side may have cooler water temperatures, less seaweed and much larger low tide water flats than the warmer waters of the south facing beaches of Nantucket Sound. The Outer Cape National Seashore beaches facing the Atlantic Ocean usually have heavier surf.

We Cape Codders take pride in our beaches and ask that you do too! Please follow these simple recommendations for beach-going:
  • Carry it in/carry it out.
  • No diapers in the water or buried in the sand.
  • Use established footpaths especially through dune grass areas (this will also keep you out of the poison ivy and ticks).
  • Protect the beach vegetation, it absorbs nutrients and filters pollutants.
  • Keep pets leashed (where allowed) and use a pooper scooper.
  • Don't feed the birds, seals or sharks.
Nauset Light Beach
photo by Paul Keleher

Cape Cod tests all public bathing beach waters. Monitoring results from previous seasons indicate exceptional water quality on Cape Cod, and the National Seashore beaches are part of the Blue Wave Campaign for quality. However, test results may require the posting of a no-swimming caution for a day or two, especially after a heavy rainfall. For more information on water quality assurance and actual beach test results, please visit the Barnstable County Department of Health's beach sampling map.

articles & blogs: beaches

    Page 1 of 1 pages

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    The Cape Cod area is home to hundreds of beaches. Along Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, some of these beaches are considered some of the best in the world. Beach related activities…
  • Cape Cod Beaches: Save on Those Pesky Parking Fees!
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  • Beach Life
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  • Cape Cod Scenic Tours
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  • Not A Clam At All
    Everyone who has strolled on a Cape Cod beach for any distance has seen the long, black shells which so-called razor clams once occupied. The shells are usually paired, so that they can be closed together,…
  • How to Walk In Cape Cod Sand
    “I was told,” wrote Nat Willis, the poet who visited the Cape in 1849, “that the Cape people have a peculiar step for the sand, laying down the flat of the while foot and bending the…
  • Beaches Made In A Day
    “The time must come,” wrote Henry David Thoreau, who knew Cape Cod well, “when this coast (of the Cape) will be a place of resort for those New Englanders who really wish to visit…
  • Beachcombers & Beachcombing
    It’s always lots of pleasure to stroll the beach, keeping an eye to seaward for yachts, steamers, fishing…
  • Page 1 of 1 pages

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