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  • Cape Cod Politics
    There are plenty of Cape Cod websites where you can get your fill of local politics. A good website for following local politics is the Cape Cod Daily…
  • Wolves, Fifteen Shillings Each
    Wolves were a problem in the early days of Cape Cod. Several of the towns paid a bounty for each wolf killed. In 1658 the Town of Sandwich voted that the Indians were to be paid 15 shillings for every…
  • Annie’s Crannies Dennis, MA
    Cranberry cultivation had its beginning on Cape Cod when in 1816, Henry Hall, a resident of Dennis village, discovered that wild cranberry plants covered by winter’s wind blown sand produced bigger…
  • Nantucket Whaling Museum
    The Nantucket Historical Association’s Whaling Museum is a must see for anyone going to Nantucket. The museum features the restored 1847 candle factory, an 1849 Fresnel Lens used in Sankaty Head…
  • The Wreck of the Evgenia
    Shortly before five-thirty in the wild morning of the 6th of September, 1953, the 3,500-ton Panamanian steamer Evgenia was driven ashore off Peaked Hill on the Outer Shore of Provincetown. The…
  • Cape And Islands Paranormal Research Society
    The CAIPRS is a society of paranormal researchers and investigators who conduct investigations of alleged paranormal activity. CAIPRS is located in W. Barnstable, MA and is a non-profit Society. CAIPRS…
  • The Beast of Truro
    I remember the story about the “Beast of Truro”. In September of 1981 several pet cats were found slaughtered and rumors were flying that a panther or mountain lion was responsible for the…
  • Cranberry Hoops
    Cranberry Hoops are not made of cranberries. Rather, a cranberry hoop is a simple and ingenious device for telling quickly how many barrels of the little red berries a bog owner may expect from a given…
  • Windmills as Far as You Could See
    At one time, there were seventy-eight salt works in Provincetown alone. These were composed of broad, shallow, wooden boxes or vats, into which salt water from the sea was pumped by a windmill.
  • Land of The Vineyard
    The beauties that are hidden among the winding roads throughout Martha’s Vineyard are unbroken. Many of the towns remain as they were when the first white settlers came. Here we find the coolest,…
  • Terrific Martha’s Vineyard Fishing
    It was a rainy day out on the water and North Shore Charters was the only boat out fishing, that is when 12-year old Molly…
  • They Used Big Anchors
    The pictures one sees which show the bow of some old sailing ship with her anchor catted (“hung up” on the out-side of her bow) invariably fail to give a true impression of the tremendous…
  • Pirate Gold For The Digging
    Somewhere on Cape Cod on a lonely stretch of beach there, are hoards of pirate treasure. The Cape was a hideout for pirates. The story is told of one man of odd and frightful look who visited the Cape…
  • Right and Wrong Kind of Whales
    In the early shore-whaling days only the “right” whale was taken, other species being dismissed as, “wrong” for the purpose of
  • Six Pairs of Pants Bought Yarmouth
    Six coats, six pairs of small breeches, two hatchets, and a like number of hoes, besides two brass kettles in good working order, was the price paid for most of what is now the town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts.…
  • Three Bridges Over the Cape Cod Canal
    The three bridges leading to the Cape over the Cape Cod Canal are the Sagamore, Bourne, and railroad bridges. All were built in the mid-thirties, during depression days.
  • Some Codfish Facts
    The cod’s teeth are sharp, uneven, and pointed. It has no “grinders.” Codfish eat everything from crabs & clams to herring and other fish. You can tell what the cod have been eating…
  • Striped Bass Fishing Began Over 300 Years Ago
    The early inhabitants of Cape Cod fished for stripers as enthusiastically as the beach anglers of modern times. In William Wood’s “New England Prospect,” which came out in 1634,…
  • More On Sandwich Glass
    There are a number of popular misconceptions about Sandwich glass. Sandwich glass was not, as some imagine, a rare or expensive product. On the contrary, it was mostly cheap, pressed glass, manufactured…
  • That Fabulous Sandwich Glass
    Unbelievably beautiful were the creations which the Boston and Sandwich Glass Factory turned out in the nineteenth century. The opulence of the period was reflected in the intricate, shining shapes…
  • Cape Cod Real Estate Prices - A Case Study
    Everyone knows that Cape Cod real estate prices have soared over the last few years. Here’s a perfect example of what is going on. On one of my other
  • Falmouth’s Spacious Harbors
    In Falmouth there are 1475 acres of harbors and bays able to accomodate yachts. In these sheltered waters, there are more than sixty-four million square feet of surface.
  • How the Cape Cod Towns Ranked in Whale Fishing 1854
    The records of 1854 show that as a whaling port, Provincetown topped other Cape ports. Receipts of the whale fishery during the year were: Falmouth, 513 barrels whale oil, 1828 barrels sperm; Provincetown,…
  • Chatham Fish Pier
    Looking for an interesting thing to do in Chatham? Visit the Chatham Fish Pier. The members of the fishing fleet make their run each suitable day to the fishing grounds from 3 to 100 miles off Chatham.…
  • Heavy Maritime Travel Cape Pogue Lighthouse
    In the single year 1854, the keeper of the Cape Pogue Lighthouse (located on Chappaquiddick Island, Martha’s Vineyard) reported that 20,156 vessels passed Cape Cod (no doubt some of these were…
  • The Cape Used to be a Hunter’s Heaven
    “Hunter’s Heaven” does not refer to a place where hunters go who shoot themselves by accident. Nor does it refer to a place for persons shot by mistake while deer hunting. No, I mean…
  • The Big Freeze of 1875
    From February 3, 1875, until March 6 of the same year, Cape Cod Bay was almost completely frozen over. One of the coldest winters on record, Cape Codders long remembered the humorous sidelights connected…
  • Cape Cod Real Estate Sales a Little Slower in 2005
    The number of Cape real estate sales dropped 9.3 percent in 2005, when compared to the previous year. But 2005 was still the seventh-busiest year in the 300 years of the
  • How Can You Recognize an Original Cape Cod Style House?
    How can you recognize an original Cape Cod style house? There are three types, which are very distinct, but they all follow the common Cape Cod pattern, a low, broad frame building, generally a story…
  • The Lost & Found Dory Fishermen of The Schooner Joseph E. Johnson
    The Grand Bankers left home in the early Spring and disappeared into oblivion for from 3 to 5 months. Fog and icebergs were constant perils off the Grand Banks. During these days the fishing vessels…
  • Coastal Waters & Offshore Marine Forecasts
    Cape Cod area & offshore marine forecasts including Cape Cod Bay, Nantucket Sound, Great South Channel, Georges Bank, and the waters South of New England out to 1000 fathoms.
  • Pave Paws Radar Station at Otis AFB
    The radar, developed by Raytheon, is used primarily to detect and track sea-launched (SLBM) and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). PAVE PAWS radars are located at Cape Cod Air Force Station,…
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