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  • Free Home Valuations
    Zillow provides a free home valuation tool for real estate enthusiasts.  Whether you’re an agent, broker, buyer of investment property or first time homebuyer you can get free instant valuations…
  • There She Blows!
    Whaling of old was as packed with thrills and dangers as the whale was with wanted oil. When Cape Cod and other whalers took whaleboat oars and harpoons into their hands in the hunt, they also took…
  • The Packet Lines
    Before the coming of the railroad to Cape Cod almost all touch with the outside world was made by means of sailing packet lines.…
  • Ancient Town
    “The ancient town from which we write, now about two centuries old,” said a writer in the New York Journal of Commerce in 1856, “is one of the principal towns of Barnstable…
  • Where Is the Mayflower?
    The Mayflower made many trips back and forth across the ocean before finally slipping into oblivion. But does anyone know what became of her?
  • Holly Trees
    Do you know that Cape Cod has holly trees? The following comment from a Cape visitor is of interest in this respect:
  • Cape Cod and the Pilgrims
    Although Cape Cod is perhaps more commonly thought of as a vacation spot, this part of New England is rich in the early history of the Pilgrims, that courageous group of Englishmen and women who sailed…
  • Seagoin’est Town
    That Provincetown “is the seagoin’est town of New England, past and present,” is the contention of Howard Mitcham, writing in The Provincetown Advocate half a century ago, Mr. Mitcham…
  • Doggone Dogfish!
    Every year, when Cape Cod anglers find the fishing at its most exciting and resultful best, sure as fate the worst pest they know, unless it’s the skate, is sure to show up in the water and spoil…
  • Great Wreck Off Nantucket 1909
    Almost a century ago this winter, the famous White Star Steamship Company’s ocean liner Republic was rammed and sent to the bottom by the Italian steamship Florida, off the Island…
  • Cape Cod Moraine
    A moraine is a ridge or heap of earth and stones collected by a glacier and deposited. Long Island farther south is a moraine.The Grand Banks and the Georges Banks to which many a Cape Cod schooner…
  • Cool but Smelly
    It was in 1873 that a Cape Cod newspaper declared during a spell of hot weather: “We pity the denizens of the city in their brick ovens, especially at night when they retire to rest nominally…
  • What is a Trawl?
    A trawl has many different meanings depending on what type of fishing you are talking about.
  • The Blessing of The Fleet
    Every summer fishing boats at Provincetown are augmented on a designated Sunday to form a grand fleet for the ceremony of blessing. This is one of the most colorful and spectacular events of the Cape…
  • Trees Became Coffins
    A Pilgrim settler, hewing logs to make his rude dwelling, and gazing at the virtually untouched…
  • Sandwich and the Past
    Settled in 1637 and incorporated in 1639, Sandwich is the oldest town on the Cape and one of the most beautiful.
  • Dentium Conservator
    Cape Cod colonists suffered greatly from tooth decay. Tooth washes and powders were used as early as 1718, but the toothbrush had not yet been invented.
  • The Cape Cod Canal
    There had to be a Cape Cod Canal. The long projecting arm of the Cape adds miles to coastwise traffic, 70 miles from Boston to New York, not to speak of the peril from violent storms that rage around…
  • The British Set Fire To Falmouth
    In the War for American lndependence, Falmouth on Cape Cod was burned by a Captain Mowat under the orders of the British admiral at Boston.
  • Lure of the Marshes
    Getting started in the new land was no job for one who shied away from hard work. Chopping down enough trees to get some sort of a shelter built was just the beginning. The land had to be cleared for…
  • 1,000,000 Years Ago
    Geologists tell us that microscopic examination of the famous clays of Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard show evidence of animals that…
  • Prairie Schooners
    When the West began to call to the venturesome men of the East there was need for vehicles to carry families and their possessions to the frontiers of the West.
  • When the Cape Cod Canal Was Begun
    The first shovelful of earth to start the making of Cape Cod Canal was dug on June 29, 1904. With that shovelful was inaugurated one of the most important coastal developments ever undertaken in the…
  • What’s A Tautog?
    We’ve been looking into the dictionary for some definition of this fish, which is popular with sportsmen on Cape Cod. Best we can learn from the book is that a tautog is one of a family of labroid…
  • Need Suggestions for a Wedding on the Beach
    My niece will be married in Sept 2007 and would love to have a small family wedding at a private cottage on the beach with a large deck overlooking the ocean!
  • Swimming From the Vineyard to Falmouth
    Several men have attempted to swim the five-mile distance of choppy Vineyard Sound between the Vineyard and Falmouth. In the summer of 1950 on June 26th, George Fraser of Dennisport made a valiant try…
  • The Coming of the Peepers
    Ask any Cape Codder about peepers. He will probably inform you that they are “little frogs that come to life” early each spring — even as early as the first week of March and herald…
  • Little Lines About Large Lobsters
    One of Cape Cod’s most succulent dishes is “boiled live lobster.” The lobster is not only good eating, but despite his homely, even ugly form, is quite an interesting creature.
  • Down to the Sea in Ships
    No stories have ever been written that can compare with the logs and journals of New England whalemen, telling of battles, tragedies, adventures, and heroic deeds. Nor do many of us realize how much…
  • A Whaling We Go!
    When spring arrived at Cape Cod in the years that saw Cape Cod and Nantucket sailing vessels everywhere on the seas, the whalers belonging to the Cape were to venture forth on new voyages for whales.…
  • Flour And The Sea
    Marion Crowell Ryder writing in the Yarmouth Register, tells of an incident in her grandfather’s life as a Cape Cod seafarer in the days when sailors went to sea without benefit of radio, radar,…
  • A Fine Cleere Pond
    Between North Truro and Pond Village lies a little valley. Here we are informed by the historians of the Pilgrim Fathers, an armed force of the Pilgrims, under Captain Miles Standish, spent their second…
  • The Water and the Rock
    Before the Pilgrims laid their eyes and put their feet on historic Plymouth Rock, they drank their first New World water from what is now called Pilgrim Spring, in Truro.
  • 1955 Cape Fishing Report
    The following is a Cape Cod fishing report from the Spring of 1955. It gives a good idea of how the spring fishing was a little over half a century ago.
  • A Whale’s Tail
    The only way a man can get ahead in life is to use his head, but not so with a whale. A whale’s tail, unlike the vertical tail of a fish is horizontal.
  • That Pilgrim Spring at Truro
    According to Arthur Wilson Tarbell, writing in “Cape Cod Ahoy,” the site of the Pilgrim Spring at Truro was discovered in later years by a Bostonian named Dr. William H. Rollins.
  • Watch for Mare’s Tails
    “Mare’s tails” are the long, wispy, feathery clouds one sees occasionally in an otherwise cloudless sky. But note them well. Some of them are marvelously beautiful, and nearly all…
  • Nerviest New England Skipper
    Known as the “nerviest” skipper along the entire coast of New England, Parker J. Hall once sailed alone from Nantucket to Gloucester in a 96-foot packet.
  • Curious Falmouth Facts
    The old town records (1894) of Falmouth yield the following curious facts…
  • Old Cape Cod Kitchens
    Old Cape Cod kitchens were always fresh and cool, open to all work in the summer, and used for storage and common work in the winter.
  • Falmouth’s Fame for Strawberries and Turnips
    According to Chester A. Crocker, of Marston’s Mills, who was quoted many years ago by Haydn Pearson, writing in a Boston newspaper, Falmouth’s fame not only rested partly on strawberries—a…
  • An Older Harwich
    In John Hayward’s “New England Gazetteer,” published 1839, is found this account of Harwich:
  • A Peaceful Place
    Falmouth has always been a peaceful place. Except on two occasions…
  • Cape Cod Seasports
    Cape Cod might have been created especially for those who feel that life is incomplete without the salt tang of sea, wind, the glint of sun on white caps, the kick of tiller, the soothing warmth of…
  • Swiftest Ship
    In May of 1853, the village of Centerville in the town of Barnstable, Cape Cod, was delighted and excited at the arrival of the handsome ship Staffordshire at the port of Boston.
  • Furs and Wampum
    The first settlers in Cape Cod got themselves established largely by trade with the Indians.
  • Ancient Wit and Wisdom
    The woman who undertook to scour the woods for her husband has abandoned the job. (Soft-soap might have done a better job for her).
  • Cape Cod Land Recently Made
    If you ever think of Cape Cod as an “old” place, because so much of our American history dates from its discovery by Gosnold and the settlement of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, spreading along…
  • Shiverick’s Shipyard
    Asa Shiverick and his sons built many fine clipper ships in the famous shipyard, now marked only by a plaque…
  • Drum Cellars & Witch Doors
    A Cape Cod house was sometimes built with a “drum cellar.” This is a room encircled by a brick wall, and it has a trap door overhead with steep ladder stairs up to the first floor. This…
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