Send us Your Cape Cod Related Pictures
Posted: 30 December 2005 09:50 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  12
Joined  2005-12-15

You don’t have to be a registered member to send your photos, but why not become a member? It only takes seconds to register.

Upload Your Cape Cod Pictures

Registered members can upload images right from the CapeLinks website.

Send Us Your Cape Cod Related Photos, Pictures or Scans

To send us your photos and have them posted to our Cape Cod photo galleries follow these instructions.

Send an email to:

To properly format your photo entry use the following guidelines:

The Subject line of the email should be the title of the picture. Make this as short & concise as possible. (ex. “Sandy Neck Beach”)

The Body of your email (or text) should be the caption or description of the picture. This can be a couple paragraphs explaining the picture in detail. (what is it? where was it taken? when was it taken? what is going on in the picture? etc…) You can also identify yourself here if you wish (like: photo submitted by John Smith or whatever). The program will preserve any paragraph formatting you set in the email. Basic HTML is allowed, so you can include a link to your website if you wish.

Attach Picture
Attach the picture to your email. (please send only one picture per email. If you want to post more than one picture send each one in a separate email)

All pictures will be subject to review before being published (for obvious reasons), so don’t worry if you don’t see your picture on the site immediately.

You can send pictures right from your cell phone using the same formatting.

We will categorize your photo submissions upon reviewing them.
