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We Buy Stuff! ~ Get Cash for Your Unwanted Items (classifieds) We buy old collectibles, toys, advertising items, memorabilia, tools and equipment, gold, silver, jewelry,…

Burke-Taylor Men’s Resort Apparel (articles) Years ago Burke-Taylor had an apparel shop in Chatham. Their slogan was: “New England’s Most Unusual Resort Apparel”

Sandwich and the Past (articles) Settled in 1637 and incorporated in 1639, Sandwich is the oldest town on the Cape and one of the most beautiful.

The First Booths (articles) When some of the men from Plymouth came to Sandwich to start a settlement of their own they are believed to have built shelters called “booths.” These were efficient but not luxurious.

The Crew of 102 (articles) One hundred and two men, the crew of a pirate ship, were once buried on the beach at Welifleet. They were the crew of the Whydah, a ship of about 200 tons. It was armed with twenty-three guns…

Abandon Ship! (articles) If this thrilling cry had sounded throughout the Mayflower in the fury of some storm or even in the dark of a calm night at sea, what a predicament her people would have been in!

The Cape’s First Industry (articles) When John Cabot touched our New England shores, he was astounded at the vast numbers of fish in the water. There were so many that bears waded out, and easily caught and ate them. These fish were food…

Around The Cape 150 Years Ago (articles) Here are a couple tidbits of info from records of a century and a half ago:

Fishing Spots: Bass River Bridge Rt. 28 (articles) The Bass River Bridge is one of the most well known fishing spots in the Mid-Cape area. The Bass River Bridge separates the towns of Dennis and Yarmouth on Route 28 in the South Yarmouth/West Dennis…

Just What Is Cape Cod? (articles) From time to time this question is talked about by people who do not live on the Cape. They have a vague notion that the Cape begins at some point on the coast south of Boston and extends to its sea-most…

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summer rentals

Cape Cod vacation rentals 2025. Summer rentals: houses, cottages, condos and timeshares for weekly rent in season. Some weekend and shorter term rentals available off-season. -- list your Cape Cod & Islands vacation rental property

If you are having trouble finding the right Cape Cod vacation rental property, we recommend the Cape Cod Summer Rentals Network and Homeaway for Cape Cod Rentals.

lodging guide

Cape Cod lodging guide to area towns, villages and lodging accomodations. Cape Cod hotels, motels, resorts, & bed and breakfast inns.

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Cape Cod classified ads. Community, deals, for sale, help wanted, housing, real estate, rentals wanted, services, wanted to buy and work wanted. -- post a Cape Cod area classified

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Highland Light a boy's first fish Nobscusset Harbor
Wellfleet Toadstool The Gay Nineties humpback whale
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coyote den
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catching a striper
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cape cod house
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